chapter 17: should've seen the other guy

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Nathan takes me to his bedroom, which is quite large and very open in space, but barely any windows, he gets me to sit down on one of the chairs in the corner by the mini bar and I take that spare moment to ask him some questions, "Did you study medicine?" Nathan looks back at me from getting his medical supplies and replies, "yeah I did a bit in high school" but doesn't say much, so I ask him some more, "why did you stop?"
Nathan ponders for a moment before he answers and then shrugs, "things came up, I had to take care of my brother before anything, and the high school I went to didn't really offer anything good"
I nod, "did you have good grades?" Nathan smirks a tiny bit, "I guess" he pauses, "but it just wouldn't work out for a guy like me, not now anyway"
"you mean the whole 'i'm involved with a gang, you just happen to be on the most wanted list" I say to him, curious about him and the life he has in a gang. Nathan strides over to me from his 'work station' that he has his medical supplies on, "yeah that."
However my curious questions are cut short when Nathan puts the cold, damp towel against my head, making flinch in response to the burning bruises on my head
Nathan sighs, "sorry, I know it hurts, it will be over soon" I give out a slight chuckle, 'It's fine, been through it many times before, nothing new" Nathan nods, "I guess so, but doesn't make that any less painful" I take moment before I decide to ask him one of the most important questions, "Hey? What's your role in the gang?"
Nathan smirks at me, "I'm more of the type of guy to clean up after everything is done, kinda like what I'm doing now" but he doesn't stop what he's doing, and doesn't let my questions bother him in his work.
I study his face, his sharp ish jawline could cut up a carrot if he tried to, maybe he did? And then ask him another question,  "Do you know how to fight? Use weapons?" Nathan nods again, "Yeah, Ajax made sure we had to know that stuff, just in case, ya know?" He takes a moment and then adds, "You can't really work being a gang, when you don't know how to fight"
I nod, "Right." But my answer goes vague when Nathan decides to put the antiseptic wipes onto the cuts on my face, and then I hiss in pain, wuss.
"And for now, you are done unless you want to embarrass yourself and wear a plaster." Nathan chuckles, "I'll pass, thanks"

Nathan hands me an ice pack, "you're also gonna need to put this on your bruises" I take it and thank him, "no problem, what I'm kinda here for"
Nathan and I then head down back into the lounge, Ashley sees us first, "so, how's the youngest Brax?" She asks, and I turn to her, "i'm not the youngest Brax, but I'm fine"
Ashley nods, "good" Alec comes up from behind me and sighs, again apologising for what happened,  "sorry, about your face"
I chuckle, "Wasn't your fault, I'm fine, don't worry about me" but Alec declines that offer, "it's difficult not to" Jace finally speaks up after being quiet ever since he attacked us, "Sorry for nearly punching you, I didn't realise it was you" I give him a small smile, "yeah? , I'm not gonna apologize for punching you, you deserved it." This obviously catches Jace off guard and he asks, "how so?" I laugh at him, "you shouldn't punch anyone"
Ajax looks at me and then asks Jace with a smirk on his face, "how hard was the punch?" Jace cringes, "it was hard, like I think its gonna give me a black eye-" I shrug, "It probably is, hey here's some ice" I throw him the ice pack that Nathan had gave to me, "Thanks" Jace catches and presses it over his right eye, "You don't need this for yours?" Eli then asks me, giving me a bottle of coke, damn I'm more of a Pepsi person myself, "Probably, but I've dealt with worse" and I take the coke and shrug.

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