Chapter Forty Four

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Alex Pov
I saw light flood into the garage can and John let out a small whimper. Him whimpering, scared me to the fucking max.

Here's John,
probably the toughest motherfucker I've ever met,
whimpering at the first sign of police.

"Please get out of the trash can and put your hands up." The police officer said.

"We haven't done nothin' wrong sir!"
I exclaimed, lying straight through my teeth.

"Get out and put your hands up."
The officer repeated.

There's no way out of this is there? We're going back to prison.

I don't want to spend the rest of my life in prison! I'm twenty! I should be in college, with friends and a boyfriend going on to live a happy successful life!

John slowly got out, me following him. "Oh my god.
Oh my god."
John whispered.

I shakily put my hands up and watched the other police officer call in to the station.

John and I were pushed forward and pressed up against the police car, being handcuffed.

"..I got an idea."
I muttered.

"Don't do anything stupid."
John whispered.

Be stupid?
I said.

I turned around, making the police officer shout, and try to push me back around. I kicked him back away multiple times and fucking ran.

I just ran.

I heard the police shout, and I just booked it. Soon enough, I heard panting next to me and saw John running by my side.

I heard sirens and felt a rush of adrenaline. I ran into an alley and saw a fence separating the alley from a building.

The sirens grew louder.
"I don't wanna go back." John said, panting.

"We gotta hop that fence,"
I said, trying to break free of the handcuffs.

John hissed.

"With effort,"
I said, approaching the fence and failing to climb it.

John didn't even try.
"Come on!" I exclaimed.

"I can't do that."
He said, shaking his head.

"At least try!"
I pleaded, trying to make my way up. "Nope. I can't." He said.

"John! Fucking climb the damn fence!" I heard sirens and a helicopter approaching.

"Dammit John!" I shouted, running out the other way of the alley.

And guess who followed my fucking lead?
John did.
That's who.

"We gotta get into a house or somethin'!" John said.

I groaned and started running to the first house I saw that didn't have cars in the parking lot. Oh yeah, did I mention how hard it is to run while your handcuffed?

Because it's pretty fucking hard.

I went to the house and turned around, trying to open the screen door. And to my luck, it opened.

But with the real door behind it, I didn't have the same luck.

"What do we do? What do we do?" John hissed.

"How the fuck would I know?!"
I exclaimed, not angry with John,
but the fear was getting to me.

"I don't know! You're smart!"
John shouted.

"Since fucking when?!"
I asked, my eyes darting everywhere for some sort of escape.

John groaned, his hands getting red from scraping against the handcuffs. I panted, trying to think of

how about..
we get in a car and try to see if it happens to have bobby pins so we can drive away in it, aight?" I asked slowly.

I saw the gears in Johns head turning but he eventually nodded and made some sort of agreement.

I jogged to the first car I saw and tried to open the door. I had much difficulty doing so considering I'm fucking handcuffed.

"Lemme try,"
John said.

I sighed, moving out of the way. He tried a couple times and was about to give up  when the car door cracked up.

He caught the space quickly and pulled it open all the way. I still heard sirens, but not very close to us.

John scurried into the car.

"Look for bobby pins and paper clips. My wrists are starting to bleed because of these damn handcuffs." John said, going further into the back of the mini van.

I closed the van door with my foot and sat in the front seat, looking near my feet for any paper clips, or bobby pins.

"Found a paper clip!"
John said, sitting down in the passenger seat.

I watched him straighten the paper clip and push it into the lock of his handcuffs. After a good five minutes, John smiled and started to let out relived laughs.

I heard the lock click and John ripped the handcuffs off him.

"Can you do mine for me?"
I asked, turning around so he could reach my hands.

"Yeah sure."
He muttered, already engulfed in the task.

He got them off me quickly and I pulled mine off, rubbing my wrists.

I put my hands on the wheel and breathed,
"Well fuck."

What is it?"
John asked.

"We don't have the fucking keys."
I said, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Well that's not good." John muttered. "Um...Check the glove compartment, maybe? There could be extra keys or a screwdriver or somethin'." I said

John opened the glove compartment and rummaged through it for a minute. 

"Would this work?" He asked, pulling it a small screwdriver.

"I..I think so."
I muttered, taking it from him.

I looked at the screwdriver and then the key hole of the car.

"Are you sure it will work? If you get shocked I'm going to be hella upset with you." John said.

I looked at the screwdriver and key hole a few more time.

"You know, why am I always the one testing if stuff will work? I get hurt every single time-"

"Do you want me to do it?" John asked. "Of course not." I replied.

He looked at me with a deadpanned face.

"Fair enough."
I muttered.

I shoved the screwdriver into the car and it basically just broke the key hole without much trouble.

I breathed.

For once I didn't get hurt while trying something.

"Well would ya look at that."
John muttered.

"Let's get the fuck out of here."
John said, buckling his seat belt.

I put a cigarette in my mouth and started the car. I saw a person come out of the house and shout.

I backed out of the driveway with a loud screech from the car and sped down the road.

bye Arizona!

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