chapter fourteen

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sweet tempered? teyana must of been lying. bonnie is an absolute horse.

she's adorable. with the largest green puppy dog eyes i've ever seen, and she's lucky that she's cute. because, otherwise? i could just leave her out here and say to hell with it. well, i wouldn't really do that. but right now it's so tempting.

first of all, there is no such thing as, 'walking' with her. she either goes from a brisk trot, to a full out run. and while i have a hold of her leash, she's a lot stronger than me.

we started out okay, trotting through the playground at a nice pace, which was totally deceiving for what was about to come. once we hit the woods, all hell broke loose.

at this point, i'm not even walking her anymore, she's walking me and i can't even call it walking. she is basically dragging me along behind her, without a care in the world.

i already skinned my right knee from where i hung onto her for dear life before tripping over a rock and dragging my leg across the dirt and my shorts have stains on them i'm not even sure i want to know the origin of. i have no idea where my hat is and my hair is plastered to my head from sweat with a few random leaves and sticks in it from my fall.

finally, she stops, coming to an abrupt halt next to a large tree. i hit my knees with my hands, gulping in air and trying to get my heart to slow the fuck down. i know it's been awhile since i walked a dog, but this shit ain't normal. this is not what i expected, at all. and to put a fucking cherry on top, i'm pretty sure i'm lost.

while i will never admit it to him, i should of taken odell up on at least showing me where these trails led to. not that i wanted to walk with him, because i most certainly did not, but i was a little too confident when i thought that my little map will show me the way around here.

well, maybe it would of if bonnie didn't practically drag me around here and made me lose it.

oh, and the cell service thing? odell was right about that too. i have zero bars out here, not that this devil of a dog would stop long enough for me to even try and use the navigation app on my phone.

i tried to retrace my steps, once i realised that i lost the map, but of course, bonnie had other plans. in a moment of keeping one hand on the leash, she decided to lurch forward to chase after a squirrel. that was how i skimmed my knee, and probably where all the stuff in my hair came from.

we've been wandering around in circles, at least, i'm pretty sure we're going in a circle. i can't really tell to be honest, since all the paths out here look the same.

i really should hansel and gretel it, throw a trail of leaves or something to see if we were actually going around in a damn circle.

i don't wanna imagine what it feels like to be locked up in a cage for days on end. my heart aches a bit for her, as i realise that's probably the reason why she's such a pain to walk. the poor dog finally got a taste of freedom, so i understand why she's taking full advantage of it. but still, she doesn't listen to me whatsoever.

she comes to another halt, and her tiny ears stand straight up on her head. she tilts her head to the side and sniffs, and i use this moment to catch my breath.

i'm sure that in the next few seconds she's gonna take off again, she's done the same routine for every squirrel that we've walked past. but this time, she doesn't. she just stops, looks up at me as if to say, 'this way' and begins walking back from the way we came from.

since i of course have no idea on how to get back to the shelter, i follow behind her, hoping to god that she's also realised that we're fucked and has finally made up her mind to lead me back. we walk for a few minutes, and i'm loving this pace. i'm exhausted from our two hour sprint.

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