Part 5

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 Testing Fate

Part 5

*Justin’s POV*

As I woke up the night before come back into my memory in a flash causing me to shoot up. I blinked a few times letting my eyes adjust to the light.

I let out a breath as I looked over to the side to see Selena getting dressed and trying to sneak out without being noticed.

“What are you doing?” I asked stretching out my limbs.

“Listen, last night was a mistake. I was super drunk and I didn’t know what I was doing,” she said as she ran around the room looking for her things.

“Selena,” I sighed.

“No, just stop, okay? It was all a mistake. Get that through your head."

"Come on a date with me," I blurted out.

Selena stared at me like I had 3 heads before she began to shake her head rapidly. "No," she protested.

"One date, if you don't enjoy yourself, I'll leave you alone for the rest of your life. Please," I said as I scooted to the end on the bed to get closer to her.

I watched as she debated it inside her head. She let out a big, long sigh before finally speaking again. "Fine."

"Really? Okay meet me tonight at 7 at Wolfgang Puck at Hotel Bel-Air," I said as she nodded grabbing her purse and rushing out of the room.

I sat back against the head board satisfied with myself.


As the time ticked closer to my date with Selena as I began to get ready. I had already called for a reservation and everything was all set. This could possibly be my one chance to sweep Selena off her feet and remind her what she saw in me from the beginning.

I pulled up the the restaurant handing the valet my keys before walking inside. I gave them my alliance name, allowing them to take me back to the table I requested.

I sat down looking at my phone noticing it was only 6:45 which gave me 15 minutes to waste before Selena was coming.

I sat back in my chair playing Minion Rush on my phone when the sound of someone clearing their throat snapped me out of my own world.

I looked up thinking that it was Selena but it was only the waitress getting my drink order. I sighed and ordered a soda and went back to playing my game when I noticed that it was 6:55 meaning Selena should be here any second.

I went back to playing my game after she came back with my drink as I waited.

Before I knew it she was back for my order when I looked at the time seeing that it was already 7:20.

I sighed and shook my hand handing her more than enough money to pay for my drink before walking out and calling Francia.

“She stood me up,” I said as soon as she answered.

I explained to her all that had happened before she sighed and told me she would call me right back after she chewed Selena out.

*Selena’s POV*

I sat on the sofa watched a movie cuddled up in a super soft blanket and a big bowl of popcorn when my phone started ringing off the chain.

Sighing I picked it up slightly annoyed. “What?”

“Well, look whos alive after all. Why did you ditch Justin?”

I smile appeared on my face as I answered, “Oh my was that tonight?” I asked in a fake shocked tone.

“Selena, that was wrong on so many levels,” she lectured me.

“Oh boo to the freaken hoo. He is a big boy he will get over it just like I got over him leaving,” I said as I rolled my eyes.

“Is that what this is about?” she asked.

“OF COURSE THAT’S WHAT IT’S ABOUT! HE. LEFT. ME. I DON’T KNOW WHEN YOU PEOPLE WILL REALZIE THAT YOU DON’T JUST HEAL OVER NIGHT FROM THAT! I CAN’T TRUST HIM!” I yelled into the phone finally letting all my built up frustration out that I had bottled up for so long.

I began to cry into the phone, realizing everything.

We talked for a long time before she finally convinced me call Justin, apologize and reschedule.

We hung up and I went to the bathroom to splash some cool water on my face helping me to calm down before I picked up the phone and called Justin.

I dialed the number that Francia gave me before putting it up to my ear listening to it ring.

“Hello?” he asked into the phone.

I swallowed hard. “Hi.”

“Who is this?” he asked.

“It’s Selena,” I cleared up. “I just was calling to say that I’m sorry for leaving you hanging and I want to reschedule to show you how sorry I really am. I have to go to the children’s hospital tomorrow but after that I’m free if you want to meet me after?”  

I heard rustling in the background before he sighed, “Why don’t I go with you to the children’s hospital? I have the day off tomorrow and I think it can’t think of any better way to spend my day.”

“That sounds great. I’ll swing by your house before I leave in the morning. Be ready by 10. See you tomorrow,” I said before we said bye and hung up.

I didn’t really don’t know what to expect tomorrow but maybe this could be the start of me beginning to forgive him. We can only go up from here.

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