Part 26

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Testing Fate

Part 26

*Selena’s POV*

“What were you thinking?” Taylor yelled as she paced around the bathroom waiting for those long 5 minutes to be over. The 5 minutes that could change your life in a heartbeat.

“I just wanted to give James and Leigh a baby,” I sighed sinking my head down.

“You wanted to give them a baby or yourself?” She questioned taking me by surprise.

“Oh please Selena. I know how bad you wanted a baby. How all of a sudden you want to give what you’ve been dying for away? You were going to say it’s for them and then ‘change you mind’ when the time comes so you can have it,” she said.

“You really think I would stoop that low?” I said in shock.

“You did this behind Justin’s back so yes. Yes I do,” she said crossing her arms across her body.

“Well it’s too late now,” I said rolling my eyes as the timer on my phone went off.

My breathing hitched as I picked up the little stick.

“What does it say?” she asked.

“Happy?” I asked tossing she the negative test.

“Yes. Now you can TALK to Justin about giving James and Leigh a baby. You’re a couple now. You have to make decisions together,” she explained.

“I better get home,” I said picking up my bag walking out of her master bathroom.

I rushed out the door before she had an opportunity to say anything and hurried home.

“Jay?” I called out as I walked into the house. “I’m home!”

“Hey baby,” he said kissing my cheek automatically making me smile.

“Hey,” I said breathlessly after a heated make out session.

“Sel are you okay? You’ve been all over me for like weeks now. I know in irresistible and stuff but I mean, I need a breather,” he said taking a step back to look at me.

“I just love you a lot. We have a lot of time to make up for,” I said with my best acting smile.

“Anyway, your mom called and so did James a Leigh which I thought was kind of weird. I didn’t know you guys made up,” he said walking over to the notepad by the phone.

“Oh yeah, it’s no biggie,” I said brushing it off. I would have to call them soon and tell them not to call the home phone again. To be honest, I don’t even know why I still have it. The only person who still calls me on it was my mother.

“So what did you do today?” I asked changing the subject.

“You know the usual. I just hung out with Milk and Fredo. Guy stuff nothing interesting,” he said plopping down in front of the tv.

I walked over to him to have his arms opened for me. I smiled and accepted laying myself next to him.

“What did you do?” he asked kissing my neck.

“Hung out with Taylor. She had some new music she wanted to play for me so yeah,” I said hoping the sounded believable.

“Was it any good?”

“You know I always think her stuff is good,” closing my eyes as his kisses became longer. “What happened to needing a breather?” I asked in a rugged voice.

“Breaks are for the weak he said moving so he climbed on to of me.

Boys are so easy to trick.

*Justin’s POV*

For the last two weeks or so Selena has been all over me every single day. Not that in complaining but I don’t know, I guess it was kind of weird for me because when we were together years ago she wasn’t like this.

Suddenly thinking about that made it all click for me. How could I have not seen this before. It was all there right in front of my eyes and I was too blind to see it.

“Sel?” I asked as we cuddled in bed.

“Hm?” she asked half asleep.

“I know what all this is about,” I said softly only to have her jerk out of my grip sitting up on the bed to look at me full on.

“What?” she said with owl eyes.

“You keep wanting to be with me because you’re afraid I’m going to leave you again so you’re trying to get the most of it while you can,” I said explaining her motifs.

“Yeah,” she said with a sigh. “You caught me. I guess I’m just scared to lose you again.”

“Oh baby,” I said pulling her back into my arms. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m here to stay this time. I mean it, too.”

I felt Selena nod against my chest as I kissed the back of her head.

“I love you Selena,” I whispered softly into her ear causing her to shiver.

“I love you,” which came out muffled due to the fact that her head was buried in my chest.

I could really get used to this, I thought to myself. Everything seemed so easy. I never wanted it to end. I wanted to lay here forever with Selena. Just her and I.

Testing FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora