Part 6

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Testing Fate

Part 6

*Selena's POV*

"Thank you for coming with me," I said breaking the silence as I drove me car down the L.A. highway.

"No problem," he said looking over at me with a small smile. "I haven't been here in forever. It's way over time."

I nodded and kept my eyes on the road as I exited the one I was supposed to before pulling into one of the biggest children's hospitals in all of Los Angeles.

"Ready?" I asked as I pulled the keys out.

He nodded and we both got out and rushed inside the best we could as the paparazzi began to crowd around us.

We made it inside and we were finally able to see something other than the bright flashing of lights.

We talked to some of the nurses and took some pictures and signed some stuff for them before we began walking to where were going to meet the first few kids.

"Your birthdays coming up soon," Justin noted as we walked down the hallway.

I shrugged as we followed the nurse. "25 is no big deal," I said honestly.

The subject dropped as soon as we walked into the first room to see a little 3 year old girl hooked up to a bunch of different cord and wires looking helpless as ever.

My hand imminently flew to my heart as Justin's looking over a me before approaching her.

We meet child after child, hearing one heartbreaking story after the next. I felt so bad to not only the children having to go through this at such a young age but also the parents who had to watch their own child suffer and not be able to do anything about it. Not being able to make the pain go away.

We thanked everyone and said goodbye to all the kids and families that we meet before we turned to leave.

On our way out, we were stopped by a nurse that we meet when we first came here.

"Would you two mind meeting one more child before you go? He's a pretty big fan but he was sleeping when the two of you came in, and he woke up," she explained.

Justin and I looked at each other before agreeing as she led us back to the room while explain to us about him.

"His name is Brayden. He just turned 4 about a month ago. He's kind of shy but once he gets used to him, he's the sweetest boy you will ever meet."

We walked inside and I was immediately in shock. I turned to the nurse. "What did you say his name was?" I asked checking to make sure I had it right.

"Brayden," she answered with a smile.

"What did you say his birthday was?"

"June 24th," she answered slightly confused.

I inhaled a sharp breath looking at Brayden once more before turning on my heels and running out.

*Justin's POV*

“Is it something I said?” the nurse asked confused as the both of us watched Selena run out of the room.

“I’m sure it was nothing. I’m going to go check on her. Tell Brayden we will be right back,” I said as I began to walk in the direction I saw Selena running.

“Selena?” I called looking down the halls that I walked by.

After a little bit more looking I was finally able to find her in the lobby. “Selena there you are. What happened?” I asked walking over to her side.

“It was just after seeing so many kids in here; I just couldn’t take it anymore. They are so little, they should be out playing not worrying if they are going to wake up in the morning,” she sighed looking at me.

“I know it’s hard but they are strong,” I said as I rubbed her back softly. “Brayden really wants to meet us. Come on.”

I helped her up and she leaned into me as we walked back to the room which was a HUGE shock to me but hey, I was going to take it ‘cause I mean come on.

“Bray, this is Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. They are here to see you,” the nurse said as Brayden face lit up when he saw us.

“Hi,” I said as Selena and I walked closer to him.

Selena and I both took a picture with him and we talked about things he was interested in and anything that he really wanted to. The nurse was right after all; he was a bit shy but as soon as you cracked that shell open, he was like your best friend.

“Brayden, you have chemo in an hour,” some lady said walking into the room.

“Are you a nurse here?” Selena asked.

The woman let out a little laugh and shook her head. “No, I’m his mother. It’s nice to meet you both,” she said shaking out hands.

I noticed that Selena was fake smiling at this point and she kind of seemed disappointed.

“You’re his mother? You two don’t really look alike,” I noted as Brayden began to take a nap.

“That’s because my husband and I adopted him when he was born,” she said smiling as she watched her son.

“What type of cancer does he have?” Selena asked almost out of nowhere.

“Neuroblastoma. So basically he as a tumor just above his kidney but it keeps growing and it grows around other organs so it not that easy to get out,” she said as a man entered the room.

“We should probably leave you alone before chemo,” Selena said as she got up.

“It was great meeting you both,” I said as I shook their hands. I wrote down my number on a little pad that was in the room before handing it to them. “Call us anytime. We would love to get to know Brayden more.”

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