Part 15

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Testing Fate

Part 15

*Justin’s POV*

I stood there in complete shock as to what had Selena had just said. Not only was it the fact that she said it, but that it was true. If I never left he probably wouldn’t have gotten cancer. The three of us would probably be sitting at home, cuddling in our bed and watching a movie. But instead we were stuck at a hospital watching poor little Brayden have to go through so much pain, all because I walked out.

I kicked the wall before I ran after Selena. I saw her sitting up against a wall with her legs pulled up to her chest as she cried.

Granted, I probably wasn’t the person she wanted to see most right now but at the moment I was all she had I sat next to her and pulled her into me. She clung to my shirt while she cried out all her tears.

I rubbed her back and just held onto her until she finally stopped crying and looked up at me. “Why are you here? I said all those mean things to you and you still came to my recuse.”

“You were right,” I whispered shrugging my shoulder. “I’m the reason we don’t have Brayden. I’m reason he has cancer. I’m the one who screwed everything up.”

I heard her sigh and place her head back on my chest. “It’s not your fault. I’m just blaming you.”

“No you’re rig-” I tried to expain before she cut me off.

“I could have easily kept him Justin. It was my choice to give him up for adoption. You didn’t choose it, I did. So in theory it’s really my fault,” she said closing her eyes.

“You wouldn’t have had to make the choice if I would have stayed and accepted my responsibilities.”

“Can we just say it both of our faults and try and move on?” she asked looked at me once again.

I nodded.

“Come on. I’m sure they are looking for us,” she said standing up and wiping her tear stained cheeks.

“Before we go, Selena I know I am the biggest screw up and I hurt you really bad, but I don’t ever plan on doing that again. I don’t want to ever lose you. I promise I will spend the rest of my days trying to make up for what I did. So would you please by my girlfriend again?”

She turned back to look at me and her lips slightly parted before she took a deep breath and nodded.

I let out a sigh of relief and pulled her into my chest hugging her tight.

*Selena’s POV*

Once everything was settled, Justin and I walked back to Brayden’s room hand in hand, and for the first time in a while I was happy. Not fake happy, or happy to make other people happy, I was genuinely happy for me.

“How are you doing babe?” I asked once I walked in the room.

He picked his head up slightly off the bed before laying back down coughing up some more blood, just as he had been all day.

I sighed and went over sitting next to him holding his hand and rubbing his back softly.

“Selly?” he asked looking up at me with dark black bags under his eyes.

“Yeah Bray?”

“Will you sing to me?” he asked laying back down.

“What do you want me to sing honey?”

“Safe and Sound?” he asked and I smiled slightly. I knew that sooner or later I would have to get Taylor to come and meet him because I knew he would remind her so much of a little boy she once knew with the same condition.

Just close your eyes

The sun is going down

You'll be alright

No one can hurt you now

Come morning light

You and I'll be safe and sound


Don't you dare look out your window, darling,

Everything's on fire

The war outside our door keeps raging on

Hold on to this lullaby

Even when music's gone

Gone,” I sang to him softly as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

“You are really good with kids,” James said as everyone else nodded.

I smiled and shrugged my shoulders before kissing his head.

“We better get going. Thanks for letting us come. Let us know if you get any news okay?” I said as I grabbed Justin’s hand trying to keep the tears at bay.

She nodded and as soon as I walked out the tears began to flow like a waterfall.

Justin sighed and held me close.

“Gosh, I don’t know why I’m crying so much,” I sniffled after a few minutes of crying into his chest.”

“It’s an emotional time babe,” he said rubbing my back the same way I did with Brayden.

“That’s our son in there and there’s nothing we can do to help him,” I sighed as we began walking down the pedantic oncology wing.

“Maybe we should have a fundraiser? Like a concert.” Justin suggested as we got to the front lobby where Kenny was waiting reading a magazine.

“Yeah, you can get some of your friends to come and I can get like Taylor,” I said.

“Or not,” he whispered.

“Excuse me?” I asked confused.

“We can do it without her, you know?” he said causing me to step back.

“Taylor is my friend. If you don’t like her that’s not my problem. Call me when you decide to stop being a jerk,” I said rolling my eyes and dropped his hand as I walked into the crowd of paparazzi trying to get to my car.

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