Four Princes

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In October, the air flew wilder as it flooded into the courtroom. For once, Acacia did not squirm or fidget except from excitement.

Kazimir whispered to the Alexander family, "I know what lies in your passageway, but I can't get involved in this. However, I would be protecting Ondrea and Jason if I protected this secret."

Acacia's dad leaned over, "My family will give anything to you to keep it longer."

Acacia's mother chimed in, "If the deed falls through, Acacia must find solid ground. There is no doubting Daphne, but she needs us, and we need you, Kazimir."

Acacia's father decided with few words, "Settled."

After the day's denouement, Acacia lied in her room weighing her own situation. I know Jason and he is trying every insane and insurmountable move, but I can't move. I can't keep a secret I don't know about. How then do I feel so unstable? He could take me in as a friend, and perhaps more perchance it would work if this is what it's about.

She called up Kazimir as soon as her thoughts became relevant.

"Kazimir, I need to talk to you about Jason." She still couldn't shake Conrad from her thoughts.

"Oh, I see your cousin has fallen out of the picture now." Kazimir wasn't ready to forget and forgive Ondrea. For Kazimir to have tunnel vision was unusual.

"Jason is strong. Most people think he is unsure, but under that entire mask, I think he has built up immunity so I'm sorry about my cousin but there is nothing more about it unless we can resettle it with Jason in court if we have leeway for a mistrial. But we must be the first ones to find the missing pieces. Ondrea doesn't know what he's doing but he needs to get over this and protect the passageway. It makes me look bad, makes my family look bad, and not to mention him."

"Ondrea knows what he wants and that's to get past his insecurity. I think he finds you his main security although Jason tries to one-up everybody. Despite Jason's braggadocio, I think he is an honest guy too who knows what is best. Maybe I misjudged him. Same for Ondrea. It's this town; it's the courts that are screwed. Are you sure there isn't a phone tap?"

Acacia gave a quick laugh. "Jason is honest around most people, but I think I may have misjudged him as well if he is not listening, but most importantly, Conrad has been growing more and more distant from me since this ensued." She didn't yet mention Conrad might be missing.

"Maybe I'm not a Judge of what is crazy. This may sound difficult and played beyond every campus adviser's self-help book, but just talk to Conrad." Acacia knew how she felt about the play on her need for self-help.

"Asking Conrad for help—I know he doesn't want to be driven into my mess like you. It seemed like he was mildly interested but now he's gone? I don't even know where Conrad is! Have you noticed he hasn't been in English Mythic class?"

"Acacia, I wasn't driven into the mess, but I drove myself into it." At both ends of the line there was an awkward pause. Acacia wondered if Kazmir hoarded secrets. Perhaps Daphne and Kazimir had secret business rendezvous in the day.

What if Kazimir had taken Conrad? Nah! Unless Jason had kidnapped him? Maybe Daphne sent Conrad on a mission before her death...

"I'll let you go figure this out yourself Acacia. It seems like you have a lot on your mind. Bye. I have to eat dinner. Salisbury tonight!" She could feel him wink at the other end of the line.

"Bye?" It was more of a question than a salutation.

Three parts of her could make her complete—the part of the missing will laid either in the passageway or to be revealed in court, and her grandmother. Two parts, unfulfilled, still consumed her. The part Daphne left out and the empty place in her soul Daphne once occupied. She stood and left her room.

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