Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

I stared at Scott and Abby in disbelief, my mouth hanging open.  Scott walked away with a disgustingly smug grin on his face, leaving Abby behind to gush about how 'absolutely wonderful' he was.  
"So when did this happen?"  I asked, crossing my arms. 
"A few days ago.  Isn't he great?"  She grinned from ear to ear.  Yeah... he was great, alright.  Great at being an asshole.  He was doing this just to piss me off, and I as much as I didn't want to admit it, it was working.  
"Abby, that's... great."  I said, lying through clenched teeth.  "So great."  I said, trying to act as if I were happy for her.  She didn't buy it.  "He said you would do this."  She smirked, crossing her arms.  
"Do what?"  I asked, not knowing what she was talking about.  
"Scott told me you would be weird about us being together."  He shouldn't be talking about me at all.  
"Why would I be weird about that?"  
"Oh give it up."  She rolled her eyes.  "He told me that you had a thing for him, but it didn't work out.  It's okay.  At least one of us got him, right?"  She joked, completely oblivious to the fact that I was seething. 

"I've never had a thing for Scott."  I snapped, turning on my heel towards the frozen aisle.  The only 'thing' I wanted to do with Scott was lock him in the freezer. 

"What do you think you're doing?"  I asked, closing the door to the fridge that Scott was restocking. 

"What do you mean?"  He asked, pretending like he didn't know what I was talking about. 

"I'm serious."  I said, glaring at him. 

"That didn't take long."  He smirked, taking a step toward me.  I took one back, keeping my distance. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Jealousy is a bitch."  He whispered, running his fingertips up my arm.  I shivered, taking another step back.  "If you think I am jealous, you are out of your mind."  I said harshly, yanking my hand away when he tried to grab my wrist.  "Don't you dare hurt her."  I warned, pulling my phone out of my pocket as I turned away from him. 

I should have called in sick.

I sent it to Ashton, really hoping that he wasn't asleep.  I was already missing his company and I had only been at work for half an hour. 

Why? What's up?  
He responded almost immediately, and I breathed a sigh of relief. 
Scott's got Abby wrapped around his finger. 

I grimaced as I typed out the words, thinking that this was most likely going to cause some kind of trouble. 

I thought you weren't working with Scott for a while...

He responded.

Kat thought it would be better for him to work with me, rather than having him work with Nick.

I replied, knowing that Ashton wouldn't be happy that I was working with Scott. 

Will you be okay?

He asked, making me smile.  When people worry, it means they care, and nobody has cared for me the way Ashton does in a long time. 

I might need an ice cream cone and a Seven Minutes session to feel better, but yes.  I'm sure I will be just fine.

I smirked to myself as I sent that last one, knowing that it would drive Ash crazy.  I had already held back this morning, and now I was teasing with practically my entire shift left to pass by...

My phone buzzed.


I laughed, my phone buzzing again before I even had time to reply. 

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