Chapter 1

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July 18, 1822

Daphne and her mother Charlotte stood on the deck of the king's ships taking them to Scotland. They should arrive in Scotland and Inveraray Castle that evening. They learned there would be three other girls who would be going to Inveraray Castle at the invitation of the King. Emily a beautiful girl with blond hair and big blue eyes she was a replica of her mother Iris. Lilly was beautiful with her raven black hair and her brown eyes. Her mother Alice looked nothing like her she was blond and blue eyed, and she was young. This had to be Lilly's step mother, but they didn't say, and Daphne and Charlotte didn't ask.

Then there was Olivia and her mother Ava who were as different as night and day. They were similar in looks both had brown hair and blue eyes but where Olivia was outgoing her mother was shy and timid. They were all different than Daphne and her mother. Charlotte had bright red hair and she was sweet and childlike. Daphne had a softer copper color hair than her mother and she had the attitude to go with it. She had the green eyes of the Valentine family. Daphne surmised this was going to be an interesting trip after meeting the other three girls.

Daphne found out just how interesting it was going to be when she heard screaming coming from outside their cabin. Daphne ventured out into the hallway to find out who was being murdered. She found Emily shouting for the crewmen apparently her cabin was not suitable for an Earls wife and daughter. Daphne during the confusion peeked into the room she was complaining about and it looked just like the one Daphne and Charlotte had been place in and they were the wife and daughter of a Marquis making Charlotte a Marchioness not to mention she held the birth right of the title Princess of Savoy and they weren't complaining. The poor crewmen were having a tough time with the woman. Daphne felt sorry for him and gave him a hand.

"I know your accommodations are not as luxurious as you expected but it is only for a few hours. I am sure all of us can make do. Besides I think it is extremely rude to complain about a free trip to Scotland."

The woman went back into their rooms to embarrassed to do otherwise. When Daphne went into her room her mother had a concerned look on her face.

"Do you not think you were a bit harsh."

Daphne gave her one of those looks that said she was being ridiculous.

"If you a Princess are not insulted about the accommodations claiming they are not suitable for an Earls daughter is quite pretentious. And no matter your standing in the ton courtesy should not be an option. The king offered us free travel never did it clam we would be in the lap of luxury."

Charlotte laughed it was true, but still Daphne should not judge those girls by her standards she was raised differently, and Charlotte was proud her family was not normal for the aristocracy family they were all close and carefree. Her brother Charles family was a perfect example of that. The rest of the trip Daphne and Charlotte didn't see anyone until it was time to disembark. When she was getting off the ship the crewmen whom she had assisted earlier came up to her and handed her a small box, and his thanks. Daphne thanked the man and went to join the others. There were two coaches big enough to hold four of them apiece, but Emily complained they should have had a coach to themselves.

Daphne didn't say anything she just followed her mother into the carriage. She knew the castle was up on the hill the loch they dock at was Loch Fyne which was directly below the castle. With all the forest surrounding them it took them an hour to reach the castle. It was magnificent. There were four towers and a whole lot of castle in between. But it was the grounds that amazed Daphne they were greener than anything she had ever seen, and they were heightened by their burst of color from the flora gracing the property. It was simply put beautiful. The doors to the castle were opened and the girls were let into a simple entry but the doors leading into the Armory Hall which was spectacular with all the weapons surrounding the room. But what made this room so spectacular was the man standing on the level above. He was quite handsome.

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