Chapter 19

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The Lord Chamberlain is commanded by

The King to invite

The Duke and Weston and the Princess of Savoy

To the Marriage of The Duke of Argyll and The Duke of Lancaster to Her Highness Princess of Savoy Daphne Halverson

At Westminster Abbey

On Monday September Twenty Second at 11 am

A reply is required to:

State Proclamation Secretary, Lord Chamberlain's office

Buckingham Palace, London, S.W. 1A. 1AA

Daphne could not believe today was the day she had been waiting for since Jamie asked her to marry him a month ago. Daphne had the seamstress make her a white gown with a removable long train in the colors of Jamie's plaid. She hoped he would like it the dressmaker tried to talk her out of it but she insisted that his Scottish heritage be apart of the ceremony. When it was time for her to leave for the Abbey her father came to get her. Andrew seemed a little sad, which made Daphne feel a tinge of fear. He sat next to her on the bed where she had been waiting for him.

"I wanted to talk to you before we left for the church. I want you to know that I am very proud of you and even though you are getting married you will always be my little girl. The house will not be the same without you around. I will miss you bug, I love you so much I want you to be happy and if you ever need me you just message me or come home you will always be welcome never think you won't."

She started to tear up she was afraid that they would cast her off to Scotland and never want to see her again like her brother. That was not to be the case. She hugged her father.

"I have talked with Jamie and we will be spending half the year in Scotland and the other half in England, so I will come often if we are not in the same location I will come to you and mother. I will miss you both dreadfully."

He released her from the embrace and he took her hand and led her out of her room. She looked back one last time the next time she would be here she would be a married woman. They arrived at the Abbey to a crowd of well wishers standing along the street waving at her. Her father helped her out of the carriage and they made their way into the church where Jamie was waiting for her. Next to Jamie were her cousins Vincent, Jeremy, and Victor. Her Bridesmaid was simple it was Valerie they told her Tory would not be able to stand up because she was married so she had her play the pianoforte. As the music started to play for her to walk down the aisle she clutched on to her father's arm.

"I'm scared!"

"Do you love him?"

"With all my heart."

"Then you will be fine it is only a case of nerves and like I told you at the house you can always come home the door will never close to you for any reason."

"Alright let us walk down the aisle to Jamie. I am sure once I reach him my butterflies will cease to exist."

Daphne would swear there were over a thousand people in attendance. Daphne laughed to herself one would suppose if you received an invitation by the King one would not turn it down. Jamie could see her making her way down the aisle he could tell she was wearing his plaid. It was one of the things he loved about her was she was always showing her pride in Scotland and their people. When they reached the pews with the King She stopped and curtsied and her father bowed. She turned to the other side where King Ferdinand I of Italy was sitting across from the King of England. She curtsied, and her father bowed. Then he led her to where Jamie was waiting for her. He held out his hand to take her from her father, but before he handed over his bride Andrew leaned over and whispered to Jamie.

"If you make her cry I will personally hurt you."

"I will never hurt her My Lord she is my world I live and breathe for her and no other."

Andrew nodded to Jamie's answer it was to Andrews satisfaction he handed Daphne over to Jamie. All during the wedding Jamie held on to Daphne he was never going to let her go again. It was time to say their vows they had chosen to write their own, so the words were from their heart. Daphne looked into Jamie's eyes and smiled.

"Jamie you ignited my soul with the first kiss. I could not imagine my life without you. Since we have met we have gone through some challenges and you have proven you will always be by my side. Today I promise I will never leave your side ever again. You are my love, my heart, and my world. I will love you until the end of time."

Jamie teared up he felt her words in his heart. He took a deep breath and smiled at her.

"You are a gift sent to me by god above. I promise to always love you honor you and be there whenever you need me. When I first saw you rolling down the hill you rolled right into my heart. I knew then I wanted you by my side for the rest of my life. I am not a perfect man but with you by my side we can lead a perfect life and when we have children we will raise them as you have been raised in perfect love, so we can create the perfect family, our family. I love you Daphne now and forever."

When he placed the ring upon her finger Daphne knew then she would never want any other man. She had been born just for Jamie. When they kissed there was a group sigh in the Church. Jamie and Daphne walked out of the church to the waiting carriage to the sounds of the crowd cheering.

That night after the celebration They went to the palace where Jaime had an apartment. Tomorrow they would leave for Lancaster Hall where they would spend a month before going home to Inveraray Castle. When they were alone, and Daphne was sitting on Jamie's lap she decided it was time to give him her wedding present. They had talked about how they wanted to start their family right away since both wanted a lot of children. She whispered in his ear.

"We are going to have a baby!"

Jamie whose life was always rocky and lonely would never be alone again he would have the family he had always long for and a love that would last a life time. He had gotten his Happily ever after. 

By Royal DecreeWhere stories live. Discover now