Chapter 4

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Today Daphne was expecting Jamie to be at the stables and so did the groomsmen since his horse was saddled and waiting for him as was hers. When he came out he seemed to be in fine spirits but when he saw she wasn't wearing his colors he was disappointed. He didn't say anything, but she could tell he was upset about something.

"What is upsetting you Jamie?"

"I thought at supper last night we agreed you would ware my colors."

She started to laugh at his hurt feelings.

"I cannot ride astride unless I am in my split skirt so unless I have a special riding outfit made I cannot wear your colors in the morning. I swear men can be such babies."

He started to laugh at himself he was being ridiculous after all she was really under no obligation to wear his colors; but he be damn if he was going to let her off the hook he wanted her in his colors.

Their ride this morning was to the village it was quaint, but it was bustling with people. To Daphne's surprise they stopped at a cottage on the farthest outskirts of town. He helped her down off the horse and then took a package out a pouch never saying a word and went to the door and to her surprise he walked right in.

"Nanny I'm home! I brought someone to meet you."

An elderly woman walked out from the back of the cottage. Her arms were opened wide waiting for an expected hug. He flew into them he had a wide grin on his face and he looked home. Daphne couldn't help feeling a little twinge of jealousy.

"Jamie my boy what have you brought me today?"

He pulled away and held out his hand to Daphne and motioned her over to where he and his nanny stood. She smiled at the woman and curtsied to show her respect for her age.

Nanny's eyes glowed with mischief and life. She reminded Daphne of her mother's mother who had been such a happy soul. She always wondered if that was why her mother and uncle were such happy people and had such a love of life.

"This is Daphne, but when we are not alone I have to call her Lady Halverson. She is one of the young ladies his majesty sent me to help celebrate his birthday."

Nanny clicked her tongue at them.

"He never sent anything without wanting something in return."

Jamie ignored her and led both women over to the small dining table. When Nanny was sitting he handed her the package he had with him. Nanny snatched it as if it was a bag of gold, but what it was a package of sweets.

"Have you been good to have received something so delicious."

Daphne who could not keep quite scoffed.

"At her age she doesn't have to be good to get something she has earned it for putting up with you all your life."

Nanny started to laugh she liked the young lady.

"A wiser woman you have never met Jamie my boy I would keep her. She has my approval."

No one responded to her comment Jamie went over to the sideboard and took out a box and brought it to the table. Daphne was surprised it was a set of dominoes tiles. They were going to play games not something she would have expected but it was very nice. This was something her family would do. She was very comfortable with this arrangement, and it made her happy he had included her in this outing.

When it was time to leave Nanny gave Daphne a hug and told her not to run away from love the two of them belong together. Her words kept ringing in Daphne's head did they belong together they had just met but being with Jamie seemed so right. As soon as they reached the castle Conner came out to let the Duke know he had a visitor, he helped Daphne down then excused himself. She went upstairs to get ready for a day of dancing. Not only would they be practicing all day but there was to be a small ball for them to see how the dances should look she was looking forward to it. Daphne could not hope to meet more of the local people she had fallen in love with Scotland and its people. It was the English she was having a problem with on this trip.

By Royal DecreeWhere stories live. Discover now