Chapter 14

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When Daphne woke up the skies were dark, and the rain was pouring down. All she could think about was snuggling up next to the fire with a warm glass of chocolate. Unfortunately, that would not be the case, no matter how bad the weather got her and her mother, Jamie and Victor all had to be a part of the grand procession from Holyrood to the Edinburgh castle. She wore a dove gray dress with a ribbon at her waist in Jamie's plaid, and she took her dark gray cloak that was lined in matching plaid. When she looked at herself in the mirror she appreciated what she saw, but what struck her the most was she must have known she would marry Jamie she had everything trimmed with his plaids. She couldn't help laughing to herself. It was a good thing she liked his colors. She met her guard and to her surprise Jamie in the hallway waiting for her.

They climbed into the carriage that awaited them, to drive them to Holyrood where they would be accompanied on their journey by the people and the clans of Scotland on their way to the castle. When Victor and the guard did not join Daphne and Jamie in the carriage Daphne seemed surprised.

"Why is Victor not riding with us to the castle?"

"We all have our duties to perform his is to protect the King."

Daphne sat back and tried to enjoy the sound of the rain hitting the top of the carriage. She was not sure if Jamie had been given the information about their wedding, but she decided to find out after all he needed to be there for it benefit the two of them.

"Your grandfather has asked me to allow the wedding to be at Westminster Abbey on September twenty second. I took the liberty of telling him that would be find. I hope it was alright I accepted his proposal?"

She could tell he seemed surprised.

"Why the Abbey?"

"I believe it has to do with your great grandfather. The date he set was the day of his coronation if I remember my history correctly he was coronated at the Abbey. I think he has a lot of regrets and this is a way of making them right. I am not sure since my parents were both good and kind to me. It is my guess he is making up for what he could not give his children."

Jamie started to laugh this morning summons made sense now. When Jamie met with his grandfather this morning, he handed him a very delicate ring with rubies encrusted the ring with a center ruby surrounded by small pearls. He said he was never able to use it and he wanted Jamie too. The old man seemed to be getting soft in his old age. He pulled out the ring from his pocket.

"My grandfather gave this to me this morning I did not understand until now. It is to be your engagement ring."

Jamie had a bemused look on his face. The carriage was big enough with it bumping along it might be quite awkward, but it seemed the right time to purpose. He got down on one knee and took Daphne hands and held them.

"I can think of better ways to do this, but I think now would be the perfect time we have no one to birddog us. Daphne, I knew from the moment you rolled down the hill at Inveraray Castle you were the only woman for me. Your passion has filled the void I did not even know I had until I met you. I want you to be my Duchess and stay with me for all my days grow old with me and live a life filled with love and laughter. What say you Lady Halverson will you consent to be my bride?"

Tears were streaming down Daphne's face those were the sweetest words she had ever heard.

"I will be honored to be your wife to live a life full of laughter and love, and to share the passion only you ignite in me. I love you James Campbell for eternity."

He got up off the floor of the carriage and sat next to Daphne and kissed her. At first it was a gentle kiss one to seal the engagement, but when Daphne ran her tongue over his lips a fire consumed him, and the kisses became more. Just as he was reaching to caress her breast the carriage stopped and there was a knock on the door. They had arrived at Edinburg Castle. They climbed out of the carriage to find the king and Charlotte making their way onto the battlement in the rain. The woman Victor had slept with a Miss was standing waiting to greet the king. Both Jamie and Daphne noticed Lilly and Emily were both up there waiting as well. Victor took his place near the king and his aunt. Daphne and Jamie arrived soon after to the roar of a cheering crowd. The king raised his hat in the air for silence.

By Royal DecreeWhere stories live. Discover now