Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

JJamie laughed in the morning when he saw Daphne she was his twin. She was wearing a white split skirt and white shirt and red jacket. Her hat was more of a top hat than his tweed helmet. She had chosen to ride astride unlike the rest of the women who were participating in the hunt. When the fox was released and had time to run away the dogs were release the hunt was started. About thirty minutes after the dogs had left the Master's cry of Tally-ho reached all of the hunters. They were off in search of the fox. Once the fox was located Daphne rode off not wanting to see the outcome of the hunt. It was the Masters right to award parts of the fox to the hunters he thought deserved it and then the hounds were given the fox to devour. This was to much for Daphne she knew it was the way of it but the thought of killing something for sport made her heart ache.

That night when Daphne was getting ready for the ball she was nervous even though Emily had been caught she had to wonder if there were any more woman who were after Jamie. Nanny and her took great pains to make sure she was dressed perfectly for the announcement. She wore her hair up in ringlets and she had a tiara adoring it. She wore a white dress trimmed with of Jamie's clan colors and appliques of pearls. She wore a pearl choker necklace to match the dress. She like how she looked she just hoped Jamie did.

The music of the pipers filled the night, and it was Jamie and Daphne who would lead them in the first waltz. They would be doing the Highland Schottische the roar of the crowed gave Daphne nothing to dread she must be doing it right or they would surly have booed her. By the middle of the dance the floor filled with dancers. The excitement of the evening filled the air and Daphne was not going to let anything spoil it. This was their night to shine. She wished her father could be here with them but some how she thought it would be awkward with the king and her mother being so close.

At the stroke of midnight, the king was ready to make his announcement. He stood at the head of the ballroom with Charlotte and a glass in hand in each of their hands. Waiters were passing out Champaign to everyone, so they could toast to the couple. Jamie and Daphne were brought up to the stage to stand with the King and Charlotte.

"It is my great honor and fortune that my grandson has fallen in love with an English lass and has asked for permission to marry. This will be a commemoration of my time in Scotland and it will bring all the memories I will cherish for the rest of my life together. The people of Scotland have shown me such love and care I am honored to bring the two sides of my kingdom together within my own family. May I present to you the Duke of Argyll and Lancaster and the Princess Savoy Daphne Halverson."

The cheers of the crowd filled the night with it joyous sounds. The toasts were made, and the glad tidings filled the couple's night. The music sounded, and the couple took to the center of the ballroom where they would share their first dance as an official engaged couple.

It was a traditional waltz. Jamie smiled down at Daphne.

"I do not think the king knew what he was doing when he sent four beautiful women to my castle. When he sent the message, I wanted to scream and shout he was ruining my life. But now I just want to scream and shout with pure joy because I found the woman who makes me whole. When the song ended he placed a sweet kiss on her lips bringing another round of cheering from the onlookers.

Once they finished their dance they went to find a place where they could be alone after all they were now engaged and could be allowed some time alone. They made their way back to Jamie's room. Everyone was at the ball including Nanny so no one would be about to look for them. Jamie led Daphne over to the table near the fireplace. He had ordered a snack for them knowing that they would probably end up back in his room. The girl had a ravenous appetite for making love. Last night after their ride she had snuck into his room in the middle of the night to make love to him. After the hunt she reappeared in his room to make love, and now it was after the ball and she was again in his room wanting to make love. The girl was voracious, and he was enjoying it immensely after all who would not want a wife who enjoyed the act of making love so thoroughly.

Daphne snuck back to her room which was not a problem any more since the guards had been dismissed. It was Nanny who she was worried about catching her. The next morning Daphne slept in the week of events had finally caught up to her. Tonight, was the last royal appearance they would have to make before they boarding the ship to England. It would be a play Witten by the man who orchestrated the kings entire tip Sir. Walter Scott. The play would be Rob Roy the most popular of all of Scotts plays. Daphne was looking forward to the performance. It was not often someone got to attend a play with the man who wrote it. It was about Rob Roy the Hero MacGregor and the first Jacobite uprising in 1715. The king and the rest of the audience enjoyed the play wholly it had action and romance and memorable characters.

Over the next two days they all got ready for the trip to England they would leave after they visited Hopetoun House. Jamie was not too happy about having to sail with the king, he had not expected to leave his estate for so long and had not prepared. That is what he told himself, but the truth was he did not want to go and stay at the Palace. He would never be able to do anything without being followed. When he was younger, and he went to visit the king he would have a guard accompany him. There was a chance he could go and visit his estate in Lancaster it was a three-day trip by horse carriage would make it four or five. He was sure ten days away would be a good thing, but he was not sure it would be permitted. The king seemed so happy to have him at the palace. Maybe they could go to Lancaster after they were married.

They spent about an hour visiting the people who had gathered at Hopetoun House to see the king off even though it was pouring rain. By the time they reached the South Queensferry Jamie was not sure they should be leaving in this weather, but they would not be to far out at sea, so they should be fine. Victor and Jamie were bunked together for the few hours they were on the ship. Charlotte and Daphne were in their quarters making wedding plans. Charlotte told Daphne her father would be waiting for them at their townhouse in London, then they would get her aunt Felicity and Valerie to help with the planning since they had so short of time to plan. Charlotte was hoping Justin would keep Andrew occupied while they did all the planning. Event planning was not something Andrew enjoyed but he would if she wanted him too. He was good like that.

Before the ship docked Charlotte went to say good bye to the king she would not see him again until the wedding, and then she would be with Andrew. When she entered his chambers, he was standing at the window looking out.

"Is something wrong?"

"I have to go back to the everyday of the king. I do not get to have family dinners, I do not get the enjoyment of someone I care about reading to me because they want to not because I ordered them too. I have to go back to what I have and forget what it is I long for."

"your father once said, "I am born for the happiness or misery of a great nation," and consequently must often act contrary to my passions." Those are the pains a ruler must suffer for his people. You are a good king not always the one people want due to your many adventures, but you do your duty and you do it well. You have given so much up or your people. You divorced Maria Fitzherbert even though you loved her. You married a woman you could not stand and produced an heir. What more could your people want from you?"

"You always saw the best in me."

Charlotte walked over to where he was standing and placed her arms around his waist and laid her head on his back.

"Life is sometimes cruel and leaves us heart broken but we learn to endure and carry on as we should. Now no more moping hold me one last time and we will say good bye and know that you will always hold a place in my heart."

By Royal DecreeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ