Chapter 8

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Jamie went to talk with his grandfather early, so he wouldn't be late for his ride with Daphne. He had a whole morning planned. When he was granted entrance to the king's privet chamber he was nervous and angry at the same time. He was angry because he had to ask permission and nervous for the same reason. What if the king refused him the right to marry Daphne. He could not think of a reason he would but being the king he was known to be rash and so he could not take anything for granted.

Jamie entered the room hoping the king was in one of his better moods. To his surprise he was having breakfast with the Marchioness. Well he could look at this as killing two birds with one stone, but it felt like he was going to the gallows. Both the king and the Marchioness were watching him as if he were entertainment. The king motioned him to take a seat at the table, and then he motioned for a plate to be brought for him. While the three of them sat in silence waiting for the other to say something. It was Jamie who finally spoke.

"I am here to report what occurred last night to Lady Halverson. There was an adder placed in her bed and a gift she had received on the ship coming to Scotland is missing. I have taken the stance of changing rooms with her and leaving two guards outside the door that used to be mine. I did not know what to do to protect her without waking the entire castle."

The King commented.

"The Earl of Brixton said Lady Halverson over heard a conversation between the Ladies Lilly and Alice Primrose and are the ones who want to hurt me at Half Moon Battery we are planning to let them make their attempts and catch them in the act since we have not found the real Lady Primroses, so there is a chance they are after her for what she overheard. We think the second option is more accurate. She made an enemy of one of the girls because you seemed to grant her your favor and ruined their plans of snagging a Duke."

Jamie finished his plate of food before he said anything else.

"I am glad the two of you are here. I would like your permission to marry Daphne?"

Charlotte had been waiting for the question and she was excited because she had asked Daphne what she thought of the young Duke and she said she was very fond of him, and might even love him, but the king was now worried for Daphne's safety. Charlotte responded.

"I have already talked to her father and cousin and they are both agreeable to this match. I am also inclined to give you both my blessing, but I am worried not about the two of you but the ongoing attempts on her life. I love my daughter and I do not want to see her hurt."

It was the kings turn to agree or disagree to this marriage and Jamie was hoping he would agree.

"I will grant your request but, on the condition, until we find out who is out to kill the young girl we do not announce it not even to her. Does that meet your approval?"

Jamie got up bowed to the couple and agreed to the terms then he went in search of the future Duchess of Argyll and Lancaster. He was planning on spending the day with Daphne riding seeing the sights of Edinburgh. Then meet with the royal party at the gateway and then on to the theater performance planned for that evening. It would be a long day but with Daphne at his side he was sure it would be remarkable.

Nanny woke Daphne up just after eight, so she could get her ready for her day. First Jamie was taking her riding. He had brought their horses and today was the first day they could spend time riding them. The king did not have anything planned until later in the day when he was to be at the medieval gateway. Nanny had chosen Daphne's dark blue split skirt with Jamie's plaid's as her jacket and a white blouse with a stick pin in the front ruffle. She was ready when Jamie knocked on the door. To her surprise he was caring a basket were they going on another picnic? Well after all a girl had to eat. They went to the stables and retrieved their horses and rode to the sea side where they would spend the day.

At first, they sat and watched the water and the ships going in and out of port. But then they went on and found a privet beach they could play on. Jamie was surprised when Daphne sat in the sand and started to build a sandcastle, but she was not having much luck. He sat down and joined her and helped her build the castle but before they were able to finish their creation the tide started to come in and Jamie knew if they got wet they would be miserable for the entire day. He pulled her up and got her away from the water.

They went to higher ground to eat their lunch and Daphne surprised Jamie once again by standing next to the edge of the cliff they were on and started to sing a well-known Scottish folk song My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean. When she finished her singing, he laughed not at her but at the song.

"You know that song could be an insult to a Scotsmen."

It was Daphne's turn to laugh.

"You are the only Scotsmen here with me and you are just as much English as I am Italian. Besides how can you be insulted it has not been established the song was about anyone, and if it was about a certain Prince who brought down the entire Kingdom of Scotland that is not my fault. Besides the man has been dead for over thirty years. But if you must know I choose to believe it was a love song. Can you dispute it could be anything but a love song?"

"Love song is it?"

He pulled her towards him and claimed her lips and kissed her deeply. They stood on the cliff kissing the wind whipping around them matching the tugging and pulling of their hearts. When their lips parted suddenly they heard someone clearing their throat. They had forgotten the guard who was standing as their escort.

"I am sorry, but it is time for us to go you must be at the presentation."

When they arrived in the city it was just as the King was arriving. Which was a good thing since Jamie was supposed to be standing at his side. He handed one of the kings' men his reins and Daphne's and they went to the front where the leaders of the city were standing waiting for the king.

Jamie joined his grandfather on the podium. Daphne joined her mother at the front of the crowd where her guard joined them. The king was given the key of the city. Nothing spectacular but quite funny when he was also given the "hearts and the person's" of the people of the city. In the late afternoon there was an outside performance of the play Guy Mannering. After the play Jamie road back to Dalkeith House with Daphne it was their first ride at sunset since arriving at Edinburgh.

By Royal DecreeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz