Chapter 2

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The next morning Daphne went out to the stables to see if she would be able to ride one of the Dukes horses. To her surprise he had already given his groom instructions to lend the women horses if they knew how to ride. She explained she preferred a regular saddle to a side saddle most woman used. She was experienced and enjoyed the freedom riding astride gave her. He brought the horse to her and told her his name was Roy. The man thought he was being cute by giving her a red coated horse with the Celtic name red. She had been called Roy a time or two by her cousin Victor who thought it was funny, which she did not.

Jamie was looking out his study window hoping to get a glimpse of Lady Halverson rolling down that bloody hill again. The image of her laying herself down and rolling herself down that damn hill kept him up all night. Instead of the site of her rolling down the hill he glimpsed her flying passed him on Roy the horse with a temper. Who the bloody hell thought she should be on that horse. He flew out of the house and to the stables. Yelling for his horse to be saddled.

The young groom's men knew the Duke was upset by which horse he had given the lady, but she said she could handle something other than one of the nags they kept for pacifying the women who went riding. The Duke didn't stand around to reprimand him he flew off after the young lady. James finally caught up to her near the cliff where she had stopped and was looking out over the water.

"Your estate is beautiful, one could not find anywhere more beautiful in this world. You are bless Your grace."

He was looking at her and he had to agree there was no place more beautiful at this very moment than right here right now. But he only said thank you. He didn't want to scare her off.

"You gave me a fright Lady Halverson."

"How so your grace?"

"Roy here is known for his spirit."

Daphne laughed she had a feeling he believed the horse was spirited because of his red coat.

"Is it because of his red coat your grace that you find him spirited?"

He laughed what had happened to him he never laughed he was always so serious.

"It is true I believe the horse is a little more spirited because of his red main."

"Do you believe all things with red hair are more spirited than things that are not?"

She was baiting him, and he knew it, but he fell into her trap none the less.

"I think I would like to explore that theory more before I give you my answer."

Daphne started to laugh, He couldn't help noticing how sweet her laugh was it wasn't like some women who sounded like the braying of a horse, or the he he he some women thought was charming. No, hers was a rich from the heart laugh that fill his bloody sense with joy. He was getting soft in his old age. But her words sobered him up.

"Well Your grace let me know your progress as you explore your theory I am curious to know how spirited red heads can be. After all being a red head, I want to make sure to live up to my reputation. I would hate to disappoint."

Before he fully understood she had just challenged him she urged her horse and took off at a full gallop. Jamie took off after the little minx. Like hell he would let her live up to that reputation unless it was with him. For some reason he was hell bent on her and he had only known her two full days if you can call their interaction knowing, but she had gotten under his skin like no other woman had.

Daphne reached the stables before Jamie but she thought she won because of her riding abilities but it was the sight of her that made him stay behind her. Her hair had come out of its loose braid and was flying freely in the wind as she raced. It was such a beautiful sight it was worth losing the race for. The woman was simply breath taking. When he reached the stables he thought she would already be gone but she was taking care of her horse rubbing him down and talking innocently to him, but the Dukes mind went somewhere else, he needed to get away from her before he embarrassed them both.

By Royal DecreeWhere stories live. Discover now