Chapter 6

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Torrential rains ruined the first day of the celebration and Daphne's morning ride. She was in a foul mood she did not want to waste any of her precious time inside she wanted to explore the rest of Scotland a place she had grown to love. She went to find her mother thinking they could spend some time together. It was early, and she did not think it proper to disturb Jamie.

To her surprise her mother's chamber was empty. She had to find something else to do, before her escort showed up and ruined her day. She decided an indoor picnic would be just the thing. She made her way down to the kitchen where the cook was surprised to see a guest of the king. She was even more surprised to find she wanted to use her kitchen to make a picnic lunch for a Duke. The woman did not have the heart to tell her Dukes like edible meals even if they were from young lasses. The more the cook watched Daphne's efforts she was pleasantly surprised the lass knew what she was doing, and they would have a fine picnic after spending four hours in the kitchen making food.

During her time in the kitchen she didn't think her absents would cause a stir, after all she had not left the castle. What she found when she arrived back upstairs to impress Jamie was chaos. Jamie and Victor were running around like gooses and the guard who was supposed to be watching her was in no better condition. She stood off to the side of the hallway watching the bloody fools. Jamie was the first one to see her and he marched over as if he were mad at her. But when he saw the shade of green of her eyes and the amusement they held he shook his head and smiled at her instead of yelling.

"I thought it was discussed there would be a guard with you at all times?"

"It is not my fault no one was about this morning when I came out of my room. What would you have me do go in search of a guard your grace?"

"I was going to look after I made you lunch."

She held up the picnic basket the cook had loaned her to carry the food.

"It is raining where pray tell could we have had a picnic?"

The smile spreading across her face told him he was doomed. She crooked her finger and had him come down to her level and whispered in his ear.

"Alone in your room your grace."

Jamie turned to the guard,

"Go tell his majesty she has been found and she is in my care."

Then Jamie started to lead Daphne to his room, but he met the obstacle called Victor. Victor did not have his usual humor about him. He had become quite serious. He spoke only so Jamie could hear him.

"If you take her into your room I will be expecting an invitation to a wedding. I will not let you dishonor her, she means as much to me as my sisters."

"You think me a cad, I would never dishonor Daphne, I am hopelessly in love my friend and I intend on making her my Duchess, so move out of my way or you will find a fist in your face."

Victor moved aside and stared down the hallway whistling. Vincent and Jeremy were going to be ecstatic the Duke was going to be a member of the family. They always treated him as such but now he would be, or he would die.

Daphne walked over to the rug near the fireplace and started to move the chairs, so they had space for their picnic. Then she laid out the food she had prepared. She made shepherd pie a loaf of warm bread, cheese. She had a mixture of fruits and a pie and sweet jam puffs. Then to top it off she had a bottle of wine.

"Were you planning on inviting the guard in to join us?"

She laughed,

"Do not be silly I was not sure if you ate breakfast and thought you could be hungry."

By Royal DecreeWhere stories live. Discover now