Chapter 11

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On Monday the king was set to hear addresses at Holyrood, so other than Jamie everyone was free to do what they wanted. It was Charlotte's idea to have a picnic with all the girls and Victor. They made their way to the cliff Jamie had kissed her at. The memory warmed her, and she had a silly grin upon her face that of course Victor noticed.

"Do tell imp what has given you a silly smile?"

"I was just thinking of the time Jamie and I were standing on this very cliff."

He shook his head.

"I do not want to know the details of your courtship or I will have to defend your honor and challenge him to a duel since neither your father or brother is here to defend it."

She laughed, can you see Bertram coming to defend my honor? Please do not insult me. As for my father I think he will like him if he ever gets to meet him. After all my father is not one for traveling and so I think the chances are slim. Do not fear Jamie has been a perfect gentleman and know my honor has not been impugned."

Jamie was sure Daphne and Victor were having more fun than he was now the pastor from the Church of Scotland was speaking to the religious needs of the Scottish people and how the monarchy should be setting an example. Jamie laughed the one thing the king was not good at was setting a moral example of good monogamous relationships. After all his mother was his illegitimate daughter with Grace Elliot, and there were a lot of others who he acknowledged to be his issue. But as far as Jamie knew he was the only grandchild the others had gone off and were priest or sailors who were scattered around the world.

When the final speaker stood Jamie was about ready to jump out of his seat and applaud the man. The day had dragged on forever at least this last topic was one Jamie could understand the need for newer updated universities, so the men of Scotland could compete with the rest of the world in world advancements. In the carriage ride back to Dalkeith House the kings seemed more relaxed than Jamie, who had not done anything all day but listen to all the speech.

"Well Jamie boy what did you think about the day's events?"

Jamie laughed deeply he wouldn't want his job that was for sure.

"I am glad I am not to be king."

The king laughed, he did not blame Jamie one wit. Being king had its perks but it could be a lot of long tedious jobs, while keeping everything in order and running. Tonight, he was excited to get back to Dalkeith House and back to the warmth of his make shift family he made since he had arrived in Scotland. He could not help thinking how nice life would have been if he had been granted permission to marry Charlotte instead of Caroline who he detested.

When they arrived back at Dalkeith House Jamie and he went to the privet quarters to find Charlotte and Daphne waiting dinner for them. It was such a domestic scene that made the king feel the pangs of sadness of the loss of what could have been. He did not have many regrets about his youth he was wild and enjoyed himself immensely when the time came he did his duty and ran the country. It was what he had been born to do.

Jamie and Daphne after dinner went to her room with a guard and Nanny present to protect Daphne's honor. They stood out on the balcony looking at the stars. Daphne seemed to be interested in the stars so when she spoke Jamie was surprised.

"I missed you today your Grace."

"I can say I missed you too Lady Halverson."

"What are the plans for tomorrow? I hope to spend it with you and not the girls and Victor they just do not make me feel as happy as you do."

He smiled he was glad he made her happy. It would be easier to ask her when everything was wrapped up to marry him. He knew he would never be able to live without her. She was the best thing to ever happen to him. It was killing him he was not allowed to tell her he had been granted permission by the king and her mother. He wanted her to know so they could celebrate together and with their family and friends.    

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