Chapter 5

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The month had past most enjoyably Jamie and Daphne had created a routine that seemed to please the two of them. In the mornings they went riding sometimes they would go down to the loch other times they would go to the pond and have a morning picnic. In the evening after all her lessons they would take a ride and watch the sunset and gaze at the stars. After supper they would play a game of chess, backgammon or dominoes if the others chose to join them. Daphne loved these times when they were alone together. She wasn't sure what was going to happen after the celebration for the king ended but she had hope. Jamie hadn't made any mention of what would become of them, and she didn't want to push him. He hadn't made her any promises and it wasn't his fault she had lost her heart to him.

When Daphne woke today she had a sudden feeling of loss her and Jamie would not be riding they would be leaving for Dalkeith House where they would be staying along with the King. Holyrood was in no shape for the king to stay there so Dalkeith house was picked to host him and a select few of the nobility Jamie had been one of them.

When she went downstairs the skies were gray like her mood, but there was a lot of activity for such a gloomy day. Nine coaches were lined up outside. Two were for staff, three for trunks and one for each of the other girls and their chaperones. And the last one was for the Duke and company which was Daphne and Charlotte, Jamie had insisted Nanny join them for the trip. They were making it a two-day trip stopping between here and Dalkeith house, so the women could rest for the night it was going to be a long trip the girls were already complaining. Daphne thought Jamie had thought of everything especially when she found out he had Roy brought with them so when they were away they could still ride.

Charlotte and Nanny seemed to be getting on well. They were both talking about raising children, and how wonderful it would be to have a baby around again. This conversation seemed to be uncomfortable for both Jamie and Daphne who they both kept glaring at.

That night they rested in a small town halfway between Inveraray Castle and Holyrood. Charlotte retired early leaving the young ones to mingle after all they were in good hands nanny was up with them. Jamie sat watching the girls while sitting by the fire having a drink. He hadn't figured out for sure who had poisoned the kitchen staff, but he was pretty sure it was Lilly and her mother Alice. He had kept as far from the couple as he could get. He was pretty sure they were not after him, but they needed him to get close to the king. He would know more when he met back up with Victor.

Daphne started over to Jamie caring a chess set. Then suddenly, the chess set fell to the floor. Jamie was out of his chair helping Daphne pick up the pieces. He was about to make a joke at her expense, but he could see the look of fear on her face. He forgot about the chess pieces and scooped her up and brought her over to sit by the fire.

"What's the matter Luv."

She loved when he called her that, she didn't remember when he started to call her Luv but every time he did her heart did funny things.

"I don't know suddenly I wasn't able to grip the board. My hands went numb and I didn't have feeling in it. It was strange, but I am sure it was nothing. I will clean up the pieces and we can play a game."

Nanny approached them carrying the board and the pieces and placed it on the table near the couple.

"Is there a problem?"

Jamie looked up at Nanny she could see the concerned look on his face. Daphne looked up at Nanny and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Just me being clumsy that's all. I am sorry if I gave everyone a fright."

Nanny wasn't convinced. She had been no normal nanny she had been placed in the castle to keep an eye on the Duke, the King who was the prince at the time always worried Jamie would be hurt because of his association with him. Turned out she was better at being a nanny than she had ever been as a spy, so she stayed and raised the young man but was always close by whenever he needed her. She had seen this before and if it was what she expected then someone was trying to kill Daphne.

By Royal DecreeWhere stories live. Discover now