Chapter 7

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In the morning Nanny came to help Daphne dress for the ride with the king to Edinburgh. The day would be spent celebrating the king and his arrival. Nanny picked out one of the dresses Daphne had made in Jamie's clan colors. This was a simple white blouse with plaid skirt short enough to dance in during the celebration.

"We need to talk young lady, you are in danger. I suspected it on the trip here when you became sick. I talked to Jamie this morning and he thinks someone has been poisoning your chocolate?"

"He thinks it is one of the girls who arrived with me. But what reason would they have to kill me? I am not a threat to anyone."

Nanny scoffed.

"If they want to be his Duchess you are the biggest threat there is. You have stolen his heart."

"But women do not go around killing off their competition I do not believe a woman would do that."

"You are young and naïve women kill for much less than love. You need to be aware of your surrounding and who is around you. You need to stay alert, so you can stay alive."

"I will do my best, but it is not in my nature to be weary of others. I trust people until they are proven to be untrustworthy."

"I understand, and I admire that trait in people but if it puts you in danger you need to learn to be a little mistrusting and more observant."

"Yes, Nanny I believe you are right of course and I will make myself be more observant."

"Good girl now let's take a look at you Jamie should be here any minute to get you for the first day of celebration."

Just as she finished her sentence there was a knock at the door it was Jamie. When he saw what she was wearing he had to smile Daphne in his colors made him tremendously happy. When he led her out to the waiting carriages they were surprised to see her mother sitting in the lead carriage with the King. Daphne, Victor and Jamie had the second carriage then the rest of Scotlands nobility. Alongside of their carriage was Daphne's guard. But it was Victors presence in the carriage Jamie had to wonder about. How come they had been given Victor as an escort? He laughed when Victor made a comment only Jamie would understand.

"I have not heard an announcement."

"I have to have an interview with the king. I am not permitted the luxury of some I have restrictions placed on me."

Victor nodded he understood, but still he could not allow Daphne's name to be muddied. Daphne turned to Victor

"have you found out what was between my mother and the king?"

He shook his head no.

"I was investigating other things."

He turned his attention to Jamie.

"We know who the false guest is, but we need to prove they are here to harm the king."

Daphne spoke up and surprised both men.

"Do you mean Lilly and Alice?"

They both turned their attention to Daphne.

"What do you know of Lilly and Alice?"

"Well for starters they like to talk in a lot of foreign languages. They think no one can understand them but I know me, and my mother can. They talk about a half moon, and how the French would appreciate their efforts, and they would be hero's. things like that. Why is any of that important?"

By Royal DecreeWhere stories live. Discover now