Chapter 9

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Nanny woke Daphne up early they would be traveling to Holyrood Palace this morning where they would be spending the day celebrating the Highland games. This was a day Daphne had been looking forward to the games, music, dancing and the merchants she was told would be there. She was planning on buying more things for her family. Nanny put her in a country dress black velvet over corset without boning, so she was free to enjoy her day. The skirt was Jamie's clan colors and long with a shawl made from the plaid. The skirt was also freeing she was not bogged down with cumbersome petty coats, and it was above the ankle, so she would be able to do the traditional dances she had learned.

Jamie stood waiting for her when she left her room his eyes never left her face. She seemed to be glowing and her hair had been placed in a long loose braid and adorned with mountain avens found only in Scotland. She was breath taking and all his. Well when he was finally able to ask her to be his she would be all his but he was never going to share her with anyone. Only he would be the one to possess her body and soul. He shook the thought from his head and greeted her with an innocent kiss to the cheek.

"My lady, how do you fair this morning?"

She curtsied.

"I am well your grace and I am looking forward to experiencing the highland games with you."

She gave Jamie a wickedly seductive smile,

"I like you in your tartan your grace, you are exceptionally handsome today."

He bowed to her and put his arm out for her to take. They took a carriage to Holyrood Palace the second carriage behind the king. Charlotte rode with the king she was wearing a dress Daphne did not recognize from her wardrobe she must have had it made recently without Daphne's knowledge. Not that Daphne had been spending much time with her mother. She wanted to spend as much time taking in the sights of Scotland with Jamie before she had to leave for England in twelve short days. Jamie was surprised when he saw Lady Halverson in royal Stewart plaids only to be worn with the permission of the king. He leaned over and whispered to Daphne so the guard who was with them could not hear.

"What is between your mother and the king?"

"I do not know for sure but there is something. I have gleamed from what I have heard they met at my grandfather's home at New Cross when she was just fifteen but what became of that meeting I have no idea. I also have the impression my mother used to work for the home office. I am not positive but the conversation between them at the first dinner makes me think so. Remember when I stated I did not think my mother particularly cleaver the king said.

"Are you still playing the charade of a brainless lass. Charlotte shame on you, you are one of the most intelligent women who ever served the crown."

Then my mother told him.

"It served me well your majesty as you well know. I never thought to change people's opinion of me. Andrew always knew but I did not care if anyone else knew."

It just sounds so cloak and dagger I am surprised, my mother spent most of my life being the butt of people's jokes. I remember last year at Tory's Week of Love party and my aunt picked a secret name that started with a V and Tory made a comment about it and my mother piped in with a silly comment about had she not noticed my aunt loved V names. Then getting her to pick a secret identity was painful to say the least. I just never knew anyone considered my mother clever or intelligent. Loving and sweet yes brilliant no."

The rest of their ride to Holyrood Palace was spent pondering what was between the king and Charlotte. Upon arrival to the levee they were to start the festivities and all thought of Charlotte and the king were forgotten. To greet the king there was a pipe band to serenade him with the folk song Auld Lang Syne. Jamie helped Daphne out of the carriage and they were starting to walk towards the king and Charlotte when they overheard Lord and Lady Hamilton-Dalrymple conversation.

By Royal DecreeWhere stories live. Discover now