Chapter 3

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Daphne spent most of the night thinking about the kiss her and the Duke had shared. It was really a nice kiss for one's first kiss. She wondered if they would get better from there. Tory would be able to answer her question, but atlas Tory was at home in England. By the time she found sleep she had made up her mind the Duke had probably kissed each of the girls and he only kissed her to be polite. That was the only sane thing she could think of. The man never did anything but scowl at her.

The next morning, she woke up refreshed and assured the kiss was nothing she needed to be concerned about. She dressed and made her way to the stables she was excited to see Roy she hoped he had a good rest as well. To her surprise the Duke was in the stables. She was extremely cheerful.

"Good morning your Grace."

He was surprised she was even talking to him after taking advantage of her yesterday. He shouldn't be here to ride with her how many times had he told himself that. But no matter what excuse he gave himself to avoid Lady Halverson here he was waiting to take a ride with his little hellion. He shook that thought from his head he had to stop thinking like that or he was doomed she was not his little hellion she needed to be someone else's. She went about her business not even aware he was waiting for her. She was surprised he started to follow her.

"Since you seemed to like the beauty of the estate I thought this morning I would show you one of my favorite places."

Daphne knew he was only being kind, but she couldn't help keeping the excitement out of her voice.

"Oh yes, please I would love to see more of the estate."

They road in silence for most of the trip he wasn't sure what to say to her after their kiss. It was Daphne who broke the silence.

"I am so glad you thought of this. I know this is going to cause both of us a world of grief with the others, but I just don't care."

He had no idea what she was talking about, but he liked the sound of her voice, so he let her ramble on about the others. When they got to the pond and he saw her beautiful eyes light up it pleased him.

"I understand why this would be one of your favorite places. It is quite lovely, I never realized how beautiful Scotland is. I am so glad I was invited here to experience such beauty."

"Would you like to get down and sit by the water? I had cook pack us a light breakfast."

Daphne didn't have time to answer the Duke was already off his horse and his arms outreached to help her down off Roy. She took the offered help and followed him over to the bank of the pond where he laid out a blanket and a sweet breakfast of rolls and jam.

"Thank you so much for thinking of this your grace."

"It is my pleasure Lady Halverson."

He liked how she wrinkled her nose when he said her name.

"I think since we seem to be friends you should call me Daphne I am not one on formality if I don't have to be."

He smiled she wasn't mad at him for taking liberties last night after all. She was willing to be his friend. He was hoping that friends were enough.

"Then you must call me James."

She shook her head no and he was afraid she had changed her mind.

"I think of you more of a Jamie James seems so stuffy, but I don't think of you that way at all so if you permit me I would like to call you Jamie."

How this young girl made his heart sore to the heavens. He had to control his voice, so she didn't know how her declaration had affected him.

"I would like that very much."

By Royal DecreeWhere stories live. Discover now