12. Absence?

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Everest Hills
Aryn's apartment
A few hours ago


"It hurts..." I heard a moan beside me when I woke up. My hand reached my face and lazily soothed the sleepiness out of me. Eyes began to flutter itself open before it settled down a scene as it unfolded. The sheets were disarrayed, and I saw Lucy on her knees, clutching the sides of her head as she muttered the phrase over and over again. She was heavily sweating, her flushed skin glistening. Only I could see half of her face, contorted features were in a deep frown. I immediately know what was happening as it happened to me a few years ago.

Her wolf was easing and developing itself in her mind, allowing it to be known. It was a difficult process, and I should know since it happens in your mind and if this was checked in a hospital, no one will see signs of your wolf's appearance. It was as if the presence of your wolf is a fantasy.

I inched closer to her and rubbed circles around her back. "Shhh, let her in. Do not be afraid. It'll be alright. Your wolf is developing its consciousness inside you." Lucy bared her teeth and I could see the tip of her fangs elongating from the constant pain she was feeling.

The moment ended after a few hours. Lucy silently drifted off and later on, she was sleeping soundly beside me as I hugged her and filled her with the warmth that I could.


Everest forest

With Lucy's arm on my shoulder, I took this chance to overpower her by grabbing hold of her wrist and twisted her hand to the side. Her eyes widened, letting her guard down, as I managed to let her fall to the ground. She groaned in pain and clutched her stomach where I hit her.

She's done for now.

"Are you okay?" I offered my hand and she reached out, pulling her up to her feet.

"Do we really need to do this now?" She complained while rubbing her butt cheeks. I chuckled at our similarities.

It was the exact same thing I had asked her mother when she started training me.

"Yes. It's the best way to exercise your mind and your body when you finally have mental access to yourself." I handed her over a bottle of water and proceeded on wiping the side of my face with the towel that was tied around my waist. "In a matter of years, you'll be fit enough to handle your first ever shift."

We were at the vacant lot behind the apartment where no one would see us. It was the perfect place to train as it was filled with plants and trees.

"How bad was it?" She asked the moment we were walking to the apartment. It was already around 30 past 7 in the morning. The sun already had risen up since our training at 5 am. We had approximately an hour to prepare before leaving for school. I had to admit, Lucy was able to catch up and learn quickly with the blows I threw at her but her agility and strength were far off leveled from mine when I was her age. I guess it solely lies from having a perfect trainer like Aunt Lys.

But she was gone now.

And it had been my fault.

We were walking along with the steps of the stairs when I rummaged for the key inside one of my back pockets. Instantly, I felt the metallic hardness of the object and slipped it out of the pocket's tightness.

"You only need more practice, Lucy. That is all. Besides, it is your first time. Ease your worries and remember to always stay focused." My arm wrapped itself around her small figure, bringing her closer as I kissed the crown of her head.

The Heir (on-hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें