9. Heat (extension)

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Everest Hills
Aryn’s apartment


Another heatwave tingled into my body, causing me to arch my back in pain. My left hand was clutching the sheets of the bed and the other was tightened around my abdomen as I tried so hard to ease the pain but to no avail. I was stuck with torture. This was similar to what female humans would experience although this one usually happens every 3 months, not monthly.

When I was brought home, my mind refused to register the phrase that A.T. uttered, claiming that I was in heat. I realized how stupid I was to remain ignorant. My nightmares were usually triggered during heats as it also reaches out to our consciousness and sometimes they warp and mold them into hallucinations. Unless you perform sexual intercourse with your mate. You see, a female werewolf in the heat is only a one-step process into completing the mating process and a sick magical energy rush to procreate and make love with your destined one. A downside to this whole thing, however, was a female werewolf in heat smells wonderful and attracts unmated males but only your mate will satisfy the sexual needs of the female in heat. This is basically a challenge that the moon goddess laid out in front of every mated wolf.

My eyes were tightly shut and I swear I could feel my tears flowing down my flustered cheeks. I turned to my side and begged for the pain to stop. Barely even fluttering my eyes open, my vision instantly transferred from darkness to blur.

The pain-relieving pills were on the bedside table on top of a piece of paper with a glass of water beside it. Quickly, I reached for the pills and plopped 4 in my mouth whilst bring the glass of water to my lips and drank, hoping that it'll help ease the pain even for a short while. Knowing the cause of the pain, the pills will only have minimal effect on me.

Groaning and flinching every now and then, I sat up, half of my eyelids shut whilst feeling strands of my hair causing an itch on my cheeks.

I deeply inhaled and the faint smell of the woods filled my nostrils, instantly yearning for its location. Fully fluttering my eyes open, I sensed my surroundings and by the sound of even breaths, I knew Lucy was sleeping on the worn-out couch tonight. My heats weren't normally this bad but it drained the hell out of me and she knew that I'd be disrupting her sleep if she lay down beside me through the night. The darkness enveloped my being and I could see the moon's light seeping through the windows like a hollow cloud. There were branch and leafy shadows on the room floor and I figured it came from the tall pine tree beside the apartment building.

Lifting myself from the bed, I struggled through my weight and the feeling of heaviness.

The forest.

My wolf whimpered in agreement. We both yearned for the fresh and natural air for the dreaded pain we were suffering within. She needed to shift and lessen what we were currently feeling. I limped to the door and then exited the apartment. Silently apologizing to Lucy that I have to leave her for a while.

The rush of the cold night air immediately sent shivers down my spine. My arms instantly wrapped around my body to warm myself up which was amusing since heats cause females to increase their body temperature.

Not bothering to look at my surroundings, I headed my way to the forest part of Everest Hills. The place where I met A.T.'s wolf.

My steps were silent yet within the hearing range of a werewolf meters away from where I was. I could care less if I run into pack wolves. If there were male werewolves around, I could fight them for I've been trained. All I needed to do was shift and run to distract myself from the unbearable feeling when the blood flows.

I found myself stopping at the edge of the road, a dead-end covered with dirt, leaves, and branches. I'm guessing humans forgot about their road plans and left this behind. And thankfully, the end of the road led to the other side of the forest I've been before and A.T.'s pack boundary.

I was desperate.

I stripped out of my clothing, revealing my bare scarred skin. I crunched down on all fours and within seconds I already shifted into my pure white wolf. My senses immediately heightened 5 times more than it did before due to my heat and I could sense that this side of the pack boundary was extremely close to the packhouse I've been in.

I carried my clothes using my snout and hid them in a nearby tree.

Mevy, take control.

I felt myself shifting to the back of her mind and without wasting any more time, she leaped and entered the pack's territory, even though she knew that she'd be trespassing. We were brought to the Eastern part, sensing someone trailing behind us.

Leave the territory immediately. We wouldn't want to cause trouble.

My wolf increased her steps and zoomed as fast as she could. Once we went pass through the boundary, she slowed down, letting her guard down. It was that moment when we both realized that something or rather - someone caught up with us.

A sudden weight caused our knees to falter and my wolf to whimper in satisfaction. The warmth of this someone managed to lessen the pain as it contributed and benefited our cause.

Finally realizing that it was the wolf trailing us, I almost flinched at the sound of his growl when I caught a whiff of his familiar scent.


My wolf stood up to have him slid off her. Our tail lifted and wagged from to side, excited to have him with us. This wasn't a good idea because he was practically frowning at us in his wolf form for trespassing but the moment he realized who it was, his expression contorted into confusion.

He stood in his place in a stiff manner to my wolf's disappointment. To brighten him up and a form of apologizing for trespassing she inched closer to him, knees slightly bent, and licked his face. Repeatedly.

Surprisingly, he gave in and decided to jump on us playfully causing our bum bums to ache. When he was on top of us once more, he paused for a while before lowering his head and brought his nose closer to our wolf crotch. His eyes darkened from its actual colour before he shook his head when he saw our uneven breaths and stiff expressions. My wolf was contented with his reaction and preceded on licking him. She rolled to the side and leaped off in a certain direction, her head cocked to the side, asking him to follow forth. He got the message and excitedly chased after us as we kept on running around in circles.

After a while, the familiar pain suddenly struck us during one of our runs. My wolf and I slowed down in which caused A.T.'s wolf to near us in worry. We lowered ourselves to the ground and allowed for the moment to pass by. Our eyes closed and we felt the warmth of the wolf right beside us, and a lighter weight around my neck region. I figured it was his head on top of ours.

I inwardly sighed in relief and allowed the darkness to consume me.

The next time I woke up, it was already day time and I registered that I already in my sleep as I could feel my hair sticking to my barely covered skin.

When the night's events came rushing in my mind, my eyes shifted its gaze to the figure right beside me. My eyes widened in realization when I saw his naked body.

It seems as though I'm not the only one.

I'm not certain if he has an idea of who I am as the white wolf. He never confronted me about the matter and I refuse to let him ask me questions I don't know the answer to. With the knowledge that where I left my clothes were just nearby, I took off as fast as I could. I was faster than many werewolves - men included.

I was out of his range when I saw my clothes and changed into it.

And with that, I took off once more.


I told myself that I'd update on my birthday but I decided on updating 2 days earlier. So advance happy birthday to meeee!

I noticed the increase in views, votes, and the constant comments and I am really happy :)

(To be edited) since I just typed this chapter on my phone.


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