11. Language

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Everest Hills
Midnight Howlers' Packhouse


All I heard was silence, aside from the constant sound of me sniffing.

All I could see was the tear marks tainted in his shirt.

All I could feel was comfort.

I could remain in his embrace for the whole day and I wouldn't even complain even though this was A.T., someone I barely even knew. Even so, it felt like home. The connection I felt with him... was unexplainable. I felt drawn to him like a string attached to an object, barely able to remove.

His scent filled my nostrils, my senses, as I stayed still in the position I'm in. My cheeks were pressed against his chest which was moving slowly as he took deep breaths. My fingers were fiddling with each other as it was a habit I have grown accustomed to whenever I feel troubled and confused. I could still feel the dried tear marks on my cheeks but the negativity already vanished way before.

Of course, the moment ended way too soon.

It hit me fast like a bullet train when I realized what was happening and I noticed the atmosphere suddenly changing as A.T. began to take in the situation we brought ourselves into. The temperature of the room decreased to several degrees and hesitantly, we pulled out of the intimate and heated embrace.

None of us spoke.

None of us moved an inch.

My eyes bravely held his stare with those icy blue. I could easily tell various emotions were evident in mine as well as it was in his.

His eyes suddenly shifted to a darker shade and I immediately knew someone was mind-linking him. When he stood up, I took this moment to gather my things silently.

He was watching me the whole time, I knew. I could feel his familiar stare. I stood up and neared him until we were inches apart. His familiar scent enveloped me like a cloud. I could get used to this.

I leveled my eyes with his lips as I refused to see his own orbs.

"Thank you," I mumbled quietly under my breath. Before I could fully turn my body to face the door, I felt his hand wrap around my wrist and gently pulled me towards him.

I let out a small gasp as I missed a step but managed to compose myself. I was certain that my mouth was left wide open, face completely evident with confusion.

I noted that his face was much closer and I immediately scanned his features. His eyes were practically grilling me alive with his icy stare. The shape of his face was well-defined. He had a straight-edged nose that perfectly matched with his attractiveness. His pinkish lips were plumped...

He inched closer and I was oblivious to the fact that our noses almost touched.

He stopped and closed his eyes in frustration as if he was controlling himself. When he opened them, they looked empty. He looked exactly like the first time I saw him.

"The report's on Tuesday. Let's meet up the night before to prepare for a short discussion."

I nodded but none of us moved away.

I closed my eyes and sighed before I felt a weight on my forehead. I registered that he leaned his forehead against mine.

If only...

I sighed once more and pulled away. This time I turned my back without stopping.

I simply left and he let me.

The Heir (on-hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora