24. Happiness (Lost Memories III)

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Blood Moon Territory
Blood forest
12 years ago

"Come on, Dada! Catch me, catch me!" My giggles could be heard around the forest. We were nearing the Palace grounds and I was sure that Momma was finished with the surprise. It was almost lunchtime and I was running as fast as I could as Dada was following behind me.

"Vassy, wait up!"

I was tiring him out. After all, I was the perfect distraction for everyone. We were following through with our plan.

The big walls of the palace never failed to amaze me as I momentarily stopped and admired the view in my small form. It was only after a while, I heard Dada's voice from a distance.

He was a slowpoke.

I grinned when I saw him a few meters away from me. "Come here, you little vixen," I screamed and laughed as I carried myself with my feet and turned to different pathways the moment I entered the palace.

I just need a little more time.

"How are you so fast at this age...?" I heard my Dada mutter under his breath.

I just giggled at his complaints. It was starting to look funny when I saw the expression in his face. My Dada and I looked exactly alike. My twin brother may have inherited the brown hair and golden eyes as well but his features were much more different compared to Dada and I's. He looked more like our grandpa since Dada was a mixture of grandpa and grandma. That was what Momma would always say. My little sister, however, looked exactly like Momma. If she was older, she would have looked as if they were twins as well!

I was fast. Faster than all of them! There were times that Dada would catch up but I know that I will soon be faster than he is when I grow up!

I looked at the time. 'Perfect', I thought.

"Dada, faster faster!" I yelled back at him and he soon followed my instructions. I led him towards the big gigantic doors. The moment I stopped was when I was taken into his huge arms.

"I got you, little wolf!" He exclaimed and embraced me tighter. Just then, he proceeded on tickling my sides as he laid me down on the floor. I couldn't stop my giggles as he continued the torture.

"No, Dada, no, hahaha! I'm sowee! Hahaha! Stop!" I kept on giggling. He, too, was laughing at the state I was in.

"You were tiring me out, Vassy!" His eyes had the mischievous glint as he kept on tickling my sides. "Say you're sorry and I will stop!"

There were tears of joy in my eyes and I struggled from his grip. I tried to keep them away from my sides. I shook my head. "No, Dada, I can't!" I exclaimed.

Thankfully, he paused. "Why not?"

"Because! You were meant to follow me here! And I did! You're here! As planned." I gave him a toothy grin.

He looked confused. "What are you..."

I stood up and pushed him towards the gigantic doors with all my strength. He took hesitant steps and entered the room.

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted. Dada was surprised and he shook his head.

"Happy Birthday, Lead Alpha!" He looked at everyone and struggled to find the proper words to say. I went beside him and held his hand.

"He says thank you." I grinned and everyone laughed at what I said.

Dada looked over to me. "So this was your plan all along... No wonder you were so hyper..."

My eyes widened in delight. "Yes! I promised Momma and Auntie that I will be your distwaction. You fell for it!" I gave him a mischievous grin.

He shook his head. "You and your mother... The perfect combination. So that was why I couldn't mindlink any of you." He looked over to Momma who rushed towards him with my twin and little sister.

"Happy birthday, my Moon." She kissed him. It was disgusting but they were happy. I was also happy. Everyone started greeting him one by one.

The event was going to last for a day. Momma arranged for the rest of the packs that will soon arrive in the evening.

There were even lots of food and drinks! I couldn't help but get a lot on my plate. I was so busy getting a lot of food, I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed almost immediately. I fell to the floor and the woman who bumped into me helped me up.

I rubbed my eyes and I turned to see her. She was beautiful. She has long black hair and green eyes. If I can remember correctly, I met her before. The best female fighter or warrior... I think... I'm not sure. Dada mentioned her before.

"It's alright, child. I wasn't really looking." She started at me with coldness in her eyes and gave me a small smile. I could tell it was forced. She looked sad...

"Elysa! Come on! You have to dance with us." Someone called out to her.

"I fight. I don't dance." She grumbled. And then she noticed I was still starting at her.

I gave her an innocent grin. "Once you try it, you won't ever wanna stop." I gave her that advice.

She sighed and stared at me for a moment. "Alright, princess. Now, go eat your meal. It looks like you have a lot to finish."

I nodded and happily went to sit and munch my food.

I was in the middle of eating with my friends and my twin when Momma rushed over towards me.

She ruffled my hair and carried and placed me on her lap. Her arms wrapped around my frame and embraced me tightly. "You did a great job, my little vixen. You made Dada happy."

I gave her a full-blown smile. "I know I did. Thank you, Momma!"

She raised her eyebrow. "For what?"

"Fow always making all of us happy! I love you so so so much!" I kissed her cheek.

Her golden eyes softened. "I love you too, my vasilissa. Come on! Let's dance with your father!" She carried me towards the dance floor and I can hear my giggles as we both swayed. I even pulled my twin, Kin, and Awes.

We were all happy and no one can ever change that.

How wrong I was.


This was part 2 of what happened in Chapter 7.

It's short. I know. But after this, we'll have the big reveal.

100 votes for the next chapter? 😏


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