Chapter 5

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Today was one of the bad days I sometimes had, when I couldn't stop thinking about a hundred different things at once and not being able to breathe out of anxiety, which lead to me being distracted, even during morning training at college.

Sometimes the weight of those hundred things made it physically harder for me to cope, and again I wondered how James had ever survived through what he had. Even though he wasn't my real brother, I still loved him like one.


The loud shout made me stop and turn around as the whole team stopped too, bending to take in deep breaths whilst coach faced us.

"You aren't up to your game today, Reece. I want all of you to go home now, we've had enough for a day."

"Coach we have to finish the drill, we're playing Boston next week." I protested whilst panting from the intense training session.

"I'm not hearing it. All of you need rest now, come back tomorrow. Now get out." Coach waved his hand towards the exit. He was a slightly old man of high calibre and experience with basketball. He was the reason why our team won so many games.

Slowly everyone filtered out from court into the locker rooms. The sound of showers running, light hearted locker room chatter and metal doors banging filled the space as I dressed into my clothes after having a shower.

For a long time, this was my therapy. I had pushed myself into the sport, let it consume me until I couldn't feel anything else. It was my way of coping with the pain most days brought.


I turned around as I pulled my shirt on, facing John, who was packing his duffel bag.

"Sure. Same time and place?"

John nodded in answer and tied the laces on his shoes. I waited for him for a while and we walked out together after waving goodbye to the rest of the team.

The lawns in front of the large practice court we had were expansive, green and now reflecting the noon sun. John groaned beside me at the sudden burst of brightness, and I passed him the basketball cap I always kept in my bag.

"Thanks." He muttered.

We were stopped suddenly by two flirty, giggly girls who placed all their attention on John after getting none from me. I had been a bit of a playboy in highschool, but the days of flirty conversations were long gone for me.

I stood and scanned the yard once in boredom whilst waiting for John to get their numbers, which I knew he'd use later. John had no qualms whatsoever about charming and flirting with a girl and then avoiding her like the plague after getting into her pants.

One of the reasons I loved Duke, I realised as I stood there roaming my eyes over the lawns and scattered benches with people sprawled on the grass, was the feeling of home I felt here. After my own home being torn apart, I needed this crutch of safety, this small feeling of belonging somewhere. Then my eyes fell on Iris.

Little miss Iris Grace, with her perfect grades, perfect family and flawless reputation. Sickening. Or at least that's what I tell myself.

She was sitting on one of the quad benches under the sun, furiously writing in a book. I had noticed in the beginning of college, first year, in class, that when she concentrated, her whole being went into it, with a hawk like focus and scrunched up eyebrows on a determined expression I couldn't look away from. Her long, thick black hair, silky straight tresses that always distracted me, flowed softly in the breeze whilst she pouted slightly and focused on her books.

The College Bully (Love Came In #2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें