Chapter 6

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The bell rang two or three times at once, making me roll my eyes and abandon the essay I was finishing on my desk.

I rushed to the door and opened it as the ringing continued and opened it, immediately smacking John on his arm hard before pulling him in and closing the door.

He winced and rubbed his arm. "Someone's on their period." He muttered, so I hit him again.

"Stop trying to piss all my neighbors off." I rounded the kitchen and opened the fridge while he leaned against the counter. "Want something to drink?"

I turned around just in time to see him going for a cupcake cooling on the counter. Pushing his hand away I picked them up and transferred them to the other side.

I could here him muttering under his breath, at which I smiled. "Let them cool, I'll frost them and then you can take some home."

He frowned but otherwise listened. John turned around and sat at the desk we studied on and I made him a cup of coffee.

"Give me beer, woman." He complained while I handed the cup to him. I gave him an unimpressed look.


After an hour of studying economic treaties and pacts of the middle eastern countries John gave up and started boycotting my tutoring, if that was even a thing with one person.

We ended up sitting at the kitchen counter and talking while I made some frosting. Just as we were discussing a teacher the door to my apartment opened and Roxanne strolled in after slamming it shut.

"Hey bi-" her eyes narrowed on John. "What's he doing here?" She turned her accusing eyes on me.

"Weekly tutoring, remember?" I licked some frosting off my finger as she walked into the kitchen hesitantly. John was smirking but his eyes were roaming her body, and I could see the effect she had on him.

"Looks a little too cozy to me." Roxy muttered and bent down to grab a beer from the fridge.

"Someone's jealous." I muttered so only she could hear, which earned me a death glare.

"I'll have one too." John pipped up, pointing at her beer. I only kept it at home because of Roxy.

She glared at him and kept the bottle in her hand in front of him. As she was pulling away John grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to him, whispering something in her ear slowly. I watched with avid fascination.

Roxy suddenly jumped a mile up and back, a light pink tint on her cheeks. My eyes widened. Roxy never blushed.

Being a good little best friend I didn't say anything about it. "So," I cleared my throat. "Anything you needed Roxy?"

"Hmm?" She looked at me distractedly. John smirked even wider. "Oh. Uh, nothing. You said you were making chocolate cupcakes today so I decided to come over."

"Sorry, I already called dibs on them, and Iris said I could take them home, so too bad."

Roxy shot a death glare towards me before arguing with John. I rolled my eyes. I'd made at least 20 big cupcakes and here they were bickering like there were 5.

I finished the frosting, put it in a piping bag and started to frost the chocolate cupcakes. The two were still bickering and I was halfway through frosting when a loud banging sound on my door echoed through the apartment, startling us all.

I frowned and met their eyes. John got up and headed to the door with the banging noise continuing.

"What the f- what are you doing here?" John tried to say the last part quietly.

I walked to the arch leading to the doorway, meeting dark grey orbs as soon as my eyes hit the doorway.

"Coach called, and you don't fucking pick up your phone." Reece said to John and then turned to me, purposely scanning the inside of my house. "Nice digs. Daddy bought it for you?"

I clenched my jaw and walked away. It wasn't even worth a response, and the acquisition made me feel dirty for some reason.

I went and picked up John's bag, putting his books in. I could hear Reece and John arguing in quiet voices in the hallway. Putting a few cupcakes into the disposable container sitting on my countertop I picked both up, ignoring Roxy's piercing stare.

Conversation halted between the two best friends as I walked over and handed the bag and box to John, trying to ignore Reece and his ruffled up hair and premature stubble.

"Thanks so much Iris! For the tutoring and the cupcakes." John side hugged me as I watched Reece roll his eyes and step into the hallway. John opened the box and tasted one, moaning immediately. I could hear Roxanne laughing in the kitchen.

"Man these are amazing. You have to try them." John said with a full mouth, pushing his hand to Reece's face, who backed away with a frown.

"She could've poisoned them for all you know." He muttered.

I couldn't hold back the words as John stepped out into the hallway and rolled his eyes at Reece.

"Still better than the STDs you sprinkle across campus."

I heard something break in the kitchen as I shut the door on his narrowed eyes. John's obnoxious loud laughter could be heard from outside as they walked away.

I close my eyes and cringed at the thought of what he'd do in response to my smartass-ery, walking into the kitchen.

Roxanne burst out laughing at the sight of my face, the remains of a small broken glass plate near her feet.

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