03 ✧ 나재민

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Na Jaemin's POV

"They're whAT!?" I exclaimed, our entire group looking anxiously between one another. It was the next day, and we'd met up at our radiator at the school before we had to go to class.
"Chenle's getting adopted!?" Renjun gasped, and a guilt-stricken look was written all over Chenle's face.
"It's not confirmed." He reassured them. "But they're coming round this afternoon to talk to me and stuff."

"You know you've gotta act like a fucking brat right?" Areum told him. "You can't get adopted."
"I know but I can't be mean!" He sighed. "I'm too shy to do that."
"Then we'll stay by you." Haechan added. "Some of us can be real bitches at times, you just have to copy."
"Not looking at anyone in particular or anything." Jeno mumbled, glancing at Haechan as he spoke, causing Chenle's dolphin laugh to erupt from his lungs.

"That's it!" Jisung spoke up. "Just laugh a lot! It's so annoying they'd rather dump you in a ditch than adopt you after hearing that laugh!"
"Okay, I was atTacKEd." Chenle stated, pretending to look hurt.

"What kind of idiot adopts a 17 year old child anyway?" Areum retorts. "They're just fucking weird."
"Yeah," Mark sighed. "You're legit leaving the house in like 2 years."
"Who knows." He sighed. "We just have to hope they change their mind."

I lost interest in the conversation at this point, my eyes finding their way over to Areum. The only problem was that her focus was somewhere else, or, rather, on someone else.

Park Jihoon. The notorious third year fuck boy. Here he was, walking past, basically eye fucking Areum as she basically did the same back, and I nearly vomited in my own mouth. I have to admit, I've known Areum for a long time, and she's basically the playgirl of fuckboys, if that makes sense. She loves to mess around with guys, but only if she knows they just want a shag. And when I say mess around, I mean lead them on, but she never actually does anything with them.

That's why loads of guys go for her. It's like a competition: 'who will be the first to do it?' And it's quite sickening to be honest. Behind her stoic exterior she's a really nice, funny girl, so I don't understand why she lets them go near her or why she plays along for a while.

Fine, whatever. I'm jealous. Yeah I like her, but I know that she's not interested in me or in looking for a genuine relationship. This flirting suits her just fine, according to her.

"So, about this party." Mark changed the subject, pulling me and Areum out of our trances. "Is Hana really going?"
"I've already told you she is." Areum told Mark. "Are you doubting me."
"Of course we are." Renjun replied. "You always get us into sketchy things."
"Just because you saw oNe person vaping at that last party doesn't mean I always get you into sketchy things Renjun." Areum laughed, causing he rest of us to as well.

"Ooh, I wanna try vaping." Jisung mumbled.
"Oh my god LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" Renjun joked around. "Jisung you better not."
"Vaping isn't cool Jisung." Jeno told him.
"Yeah." Areum seconded. "What you wanna get on is the weed. That shit's intense."
"And how the fuck do you know that?" I butted in, laughing slightly and still keeping the atmosphere sarcastic. "You've never touched a joint in your life."

"But you've seen some of those third years walking round looking fucking stoned right?" She told everyone, and we all nodded. "Are you not even curious about that shit? It looks great."
"I swear to god can't you just be a normal girl?" Mark sighed, holding his head in his hand.
"But that's not any fun." She retorted, smiling. "We gotta live a little kids. Break the rules, mess around. We've got no parents to tell us what to do, what's right and wrong-"

Suddenly the bell rang, cutting Areum off from her speech.
"See you all later." Chenle smiled, him and Jisung waving as they walked off together. Those first years, always worried about being late for class.

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