14 ✧ 전아름

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Jeon Areum's POV

I woke up early the next morning, head pounding, and felt the worst feeling in my stomach. Fuck- I'm gonna throw up. Leaping out of bed I rushed outside before vomiting on the barren ground.

After gathering myself, I decided that there's no way I'm getting back to sleep, so I decided to just stay outside a bit longer. I turned around to look at the dead campfire from last night, but what I saw took me off guard. Jisung was lying on the ground, completely passed out. I ran over, calling his name, and his skin was cold to the touch. He had multiple layers of clothing on, but sleeping outside in winter is life threatening!

"Jisung." I called, shaking his shoulder a little, but he didn't wake up. Fuck, what do I do!? At that moment I saw Mark run outside and throw up in a spot similar to me.
"Mark!" I yelled, letting him finish throwing up his stomach contents. "Help! Jisung's not moving!"

He immediately woke up, running over to see what was wrong.
"Has he been here all night!?" He asked.
"I don't know, I think so?" I replied. "He's passed out, and absolutely freezing."
"We need to get him inside." He told me. "He could have hypothermia."
"Fuck." I breathed out, seeing a cloud of warm air escape my lips. It was cold.

"Move him gently. No sharp movements." Mark ordered, as we lifted him by the armpits and slowly dragged him inside. "I'll take off his damp clothes and get him some warm ones. You get blankets and warm compresses, not hot ones." As I was looking round for blankets, I saw dry blood dripped all over the floor. I followed the trail which led to where Renjun and Jeno were sleeping. What the fuck?

I pulled the blood stained blanket off of Renjun, to see his leg completely slashed open and his right ankle was bruised badly. It shocked me how he was even asleep, he had a huge cut on his calf that was covered in dry blood.
"Renjun?" I shook him awake, wondering what the fuck he'd done. "Wake up."

"What is it?" He mumbled, looking like his head hurt a lot.
"What the fuck did you do to your leg?" I asked, panicked, pointing to it. It took him a few seconds to register what I just said, but then he looked down to see the huge mess he'd made and nearly shit himself.

"What the fuck!?" He yelled, panic completely waking him up. This caused Jeno to stir as well, but he kept his eyes closed. "I'm bleeding! My ankle! What the fuck!?"
"Areum! Blankets!" Mark yelled, so I quickly grabbed the blankets off Renjun and Jeno, leaving them cold, and ran back over to Jisung.

"What's going on..?" Chenle mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "Mmmhh- why is there blood everywhere!?"
"Chenle!" Mark yelled. "Make Jisung a warm drink right now!" Chenle looked confused for a second, but then saw Jisung basically unconscious and nearly fell out of his bunk to get a warm drink.

"Areum, hold this warm pack on his chest, and another on his nape, not on his arms or legs. Try and wake him up, but keep him still and warm."
"Got it." I replied. "Renjun's bleeding. Can you go look at it?"

"Renjun's bleeding?" Jeno mumbled, opening his eyes and then nearly screaming at the sight. "What the fuck!?"

This in turn woke everyone else up, and before long the whole place was filled with hungover, confused, and terrified teenagers.
"Jisung?" I spoke gently, holding the warm pack gently on his neck and chest. "Jisung can you wake up please?" After a while a long and painful groan came from Jisung, and his breathing got a little less shallow.

"What's.... going on?" He mumbled, almost incoherently. "A-Areum?"
"Jisung!" I smiled. "Thank god you're awake. Fuck me I thought you died!"
"I... I died?" He asked.
"No! No you're alive." I smiled, causing him to smile a little too.
"Ok, good." He replied. "My head hurts."
"I'm not surprised." I laughed. "I think you drank a lot last night."
"I drank?" He muttered, holding his head. "Why?"
"Good question." I replied, and Chenle brought over some warm water with a lemon slice in it. Not exactly gourmet, but we've got limited supplies here. Jisung took a sip, and held the drink in his hands.

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