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Lance and Pidge were inside of Pidge's room. "So, I found a journal dated back, a long time, and it's King Alfor's" Pidge said as both of them took a seat on the chairs by Pidge's desk. "It says that during the last war between Altean and the Glara, they sent a prince to Earth, but there be countless people that also went to Earth".

Hours later, the team got ready to go to the feast they were invited to. They all their paladin armor, they asked them to, and got into their lions; Coran rode with Lance and Allura rode with Keith. They landed in front of a light blue castle with dark blue lines running through it. As they exited the lions, a handsome male greeted them at the front door. He is wearing a big smile and a warm look in a diamond blue eyes. "Hello, my name Leon, my father Orion invited all of you today" Leon did a 'follow me' motion and Team Voltron, or Squad Voltron followed Leon inside the castle.

They all looked around in awe. The Castle was sparkling and it was so clean. Beautiful men and woman were in pictures, that were hanging on the wall. Servants were running around, caring different sorts of things. Leon lead them into a throne room were a man with black hair and yellow eyes sat with a beautiful woman that had auburn hair and silver eyes.

"Hello, Voltron" The woman greeted them and she spoke with a slickly, alluring voice, that was just so beautiful. "Hello your, highness, your majesty" Coran bowed and everyone else quickly followed in suite.

"Thank you for inventing us to your amazing castle" Shiro thanked them and the royals stood up. "It's the least we could have done, you have saved our planet and our people, and hopefully the entire universe from the hands of the Galra" The male said. "My name is Artemis" The woman said "And this is my husband, Orion" Artemis pointed to the male standing beside her. "This is our son, Leon, and our daughter, Anna is helping setting up the feast. If you would like to, you can explore our castle. One of the workers shall tell you when the feast starts" Artemis smiled "Artemis and I are going to help" Orion and Artemis held hands as they walked out.

396 Words

Published, 08/09/2018

Little longer than the last one, but I'm supposed to start cleaning now. May be busy for the next couple of days, my step sister is coming to spend time with us and it's going to be just her and myself hanging out. My other is going with my Mother to a city called Point Blank, Texas.


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