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A/N I'm deadass tired, moving to another house sucks. But, I've got to carry on this story! Thanks for 3k+ reads!



"Lance, we're coming to get you"

From where?

"Shiro look out!"

Who's Shiro?

"He got hit!"

Who did?

"Lance, stay put"

Where would I go, Alaska?

"Hey, wake up" Lane opened his eyes and saw Romelle looking at him, slightly scared. "You where screaming in your sleep" She told him, "Oh, sorry" Lance rubbed his eyes, running his fingers through his white hair. "Lance, who's Keith? You were screaming his name" Romelle asked, "I don't know who he is, I've gotten dreams about him, but he feels as if he's important to me" Lance confessed.

Lance then heard footsteps, Lance shushed Romelle and the footsteps got closer to their house thing. "Pidge, watch out" A male voice said and Lance crawled to one of their windows, peeping out of it, he saw people wearing armor, one green, one red, one black, and one yellow, and they all had their helmets off.

"We don't know if these people are friendly" The black one said. Yellow nodded and Red carefully knocked on Romelle and Lance's door. Lance nodded and Romelle opened the door, Lance out of sight.

Flashback to little bit back with the Voltron Squad, minus Lance.

"We got something!" Allura shouted and Keith ran up to the control board. "Where?" Hunk asked, Allura showed them a location.

"Get ready to leave" Shiro ordered and they all ran off to get their armor on. "All of you ready?" Shiro asked, Pidge, Keith, and Hunk nodding. "Let's go!" Running to their lions, they quickly got inside and Pidge led them through space.

"You guys be careful" Allura warned them.

They landed on a beautiful planet and they hopped out. There seemed to be no life on the planet.

"Okay, his personal tracker seemed to be off until now, but here's the location" Pidge sent everyone else the location and they ran towards it. They came up to a hut/house thing.

"Pidge, watch out" Shiro said, "We don't know if these people are friendly". Hunk nodded and Keith knocked on the door and an Altean woman, Romelle, opened the door. "Hello?" Romelle only opened it slightly, showing part of her face.

"We're looking for someone, you know him?" Keith showed the Altean a picture of Lance, with human features, and Romelle sneakily looked at the Altean Lance behind the door, seeing the resemblance. "Why are looking for him?" Romelle asked, taking ahold of the picture to get a closer look.

"He was apart of our team, but he was taken" Keith said. "Give me a second" Romelle closed the door, turning to Lance, "What is this?". Lance held the picture, desperately trying to find the memories. "I don't know" Lance muttered.

Romelle opened the door once more, much wider than before, Lance still out of view, and handed the picture. "Yeah, I saw someone like that" Romelle told them, "Really? Where?" Hunk asked. "Um. Come on in" Romelle said and Lance went into then back room, but he could still hear.

Everyone sat on a chair. "Where did you see him last?" Keith asked, "What is he to you?" Romelle asked. "He's our friend" Pidge said, "Now, where did you last see him?" Keith said, getting aggressive. "Come out" Romelle said, causing the team to get confused, but the Altean Lace walked towards them, stopping behind Romelle's chair.

"Lance!" Keith shouted and Pidge ran over to Lance, tightly hugging him. "So, you guys know me?" Lance asked, patting Pidge's head. "What do you mean?" Shiro asked, "I woke up with no memories, except I sorta remember him" Lance said, pointing at Keith.

Pidge snorted and Keith slightly blushed. "Okay, so from what I gathered, I'm apart of your team" Lance said, sighing. "Yes, we are the paladins of five smaller robot lions that form into one big lion" Hunk said. Lance rubbed his face and Romelle rubbed his back.

"I'm Pidge, this is Hunk, we've been friends since our time on Earth at the Garrison" Pidge said, pushing their glasses back up. "And the Garrison is a training school for sending people into space". Lance nodded, "I'm Shiro" Shiro said. "I'm Keith".

"That picture, was I always looking like this?" Lance asked, "No, normally you look like this" Pidge said, handing him the picture.

 "There's also Allura and Coran back at the castle" Shiro told him. "Allura, as in Princess Allura?" Romelle asked, "Yes" Hunk nodded his head.

"Lance, you have to come back with us" Hunk said, standing up. "If I come, then Romelle has to come with us" Lance stated firmly, "Okay" Shiro nodded.

'You're finally back with us'

791 Words

Published, 12/11/2018

YAY! Lance is back with the team!

But, there's a few ideas for later in the story! If you like an idea, please say so.

Klance babies? (Somehow...)

Allura and Shiro babies?

That's all the ideas I have for now. But any other ideas you how, please comment as I don't really check my DMs/PMs.

Thanks for 3k+ reads and all of your kind words! :)


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