《 chapter 14 》

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I walked over to the dining room where Y/N was waiting for me.

"I made us breakfast!"

I sat down, and looked back up at her with confusement. It was Wednesday..

"So, did you sleep well?" She asked me, with a sudden change of moods "There is no school today. The principal said so"

"Yeah.. Are you okay? You look sad"

She sighed and stopped eating. I became even more confused, and worried about her.

"Taehyung.. I still feel like there is tension between us"


Suddenly, she stood up and walked over to the window, and sat onto the floor afterwards..

"I just feel like there is something between us that separates us"

I let go of my chopsticks and walked away from the dining table. As I walked closer to Y/N, I sat down onto the floor and back-hugged her.

"Why would you think that?" I muttered under my breath, but loud enough for her to hear. As I moved hair that was covering her shoulder, I put my head onto it.

"I don't know.."


As his arms around my waist tightened, I held his hands. I just felt something was between us. Like, something was separating us, even though we were a couple..

"Turn around"

He turned me around and, moved his face closer to mine. Soon, his lips smashed against mine, and all I could feel was his warmth and love.

Soon, he picked me up, and carried me over to the couch in my living room. As he continued kissing me, I cupped his cheeks and just kissed him back.

We were still not ready for serious bussiness, but his kisses were enough to relax me and prove me wrong..

There is nothing separating us. It's just the two of us.

"Wait here!" He shouted and ran into the bathroom. I pouted because he left like that, but a smile appeared on my face when he came back-

And carried my beauty bag?

"Where did you find that?" I rised my eyebrow at him, but his square-ish smile appeared.

"I am going to be your beauty guru today!"

He was just randomly looking through my bag, when he pulled out a bottle of pink nailpolish, and sponges that go between toes.

"Do you even know how to paint toe nails?"

"Well, I may not be a woman, but I am not dumb"

𝘖𝘸𝘯 𝘞𝘢𝘺, 𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬 1 | ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt