《 epilogue 》

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I grabbed my keys and purse, and ran out of my apartment, locking it before really leaving.

I walked into the elevator and saw Jungkook in his new school uniform.

"Noona!" He smiled.

"Jungkook-ah! You look really handsome!"

He started to giggle and then he covered his face with his hands.

"Where are you going Noona?"

"I have an exam in the university that I hope to attend. I need to take that exam because the teachers need to see if we are worthy that university"

He suddenly looked towards the ground, and rubbed his eyes. I put my hand onto his shoulder and moved his bangs to the side.

"My mother told me that you are going to live in your new dorm. When you get accepted to the university"

"Yes.. Why? You don't want me to go there?" I asked him, to see a weak smile on his face.

"No. I am really sad but, if you don't take the exam, then your dream would be ruined, right?"

I nodded and he sighed.

"I wish you the best Noona. Beat them all!"

He hugged me tightly, spinning me above the ground.

We exited the elevator, and I waved him goodbye before running off to the university.

Oh God.. Where do I go now? I have only ten minutes left..


"Hello? Oppa?"

"Y/N! Good luck on your exam! I hope you get accepted to your dream university"

"Thank you Tae.. I hope I will-"

I looked down to my watch, to see that I have only five minutes left..

"Taehyung, I have to go now! I have only five minutes left.."

"Okay.. Make me proud!"

"I will.. Salanghaeyo~"

I hung up and held my head because, the university was big, and I was like a tiny bug..

Then, I saw a guy, around my age, with a plum colored hair. He was drinking coffee..

"E-Excuse me!" I shouted, getting the guy's attention.


His voice was deep, immediately sending shivers down my spine.

"Could you tell me where is the exam held?" I asked "I am really confused so-"

"Are you here to take the exam for digital art?"


He walked closer to me, letting me see his beautiful eyes, that shined bright because of the sun rays that ran over them.

"Go left, then right and right again. You will see a big white door. Enter it and sign up.."

"Oh, so, left, right, right! Okay.."

I understand? In a way..

"You will not get there if you walk.." He said "You have to run"

I was ready to run off to the destination, but he stopped me with his deep voice once again.

"Take my hand"


"Just take it!"

I took his hand and, it was huge. Warm and big, like Taehyung's hand.. Except this one was veiny and had a hand watch on.

"We will run together. Come on!"

And just like that, we ran to the white door he was talking about and, separated there.

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Here is the epilogue.. School is starting on Monday, for me, and I am going to try to focus on "Unemotional" next

Have a great school year ^^

Salanghaeyo all~


𝘖𝘸𝘯 𝘞𝘢𝘺, 𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬 1 | ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt