If i die tomorrow...

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Associate Special Class Investigator Zuno-ryoku stood outside the office of Special Class Investigator Shinohara, waiting for his due appointment. His younger brother, Rank 1 Junior investigator Yukan. The younger brother had come to support his older brother, knowing how the Aspergers effected him. Yukan looked at his brother rocking back and forth in his chair and wondered not for the first if he would be ok, what would happen now that he was climbing too fast for Yukan.

All their lives Yukan had protected Zuno-ryoku, fought bullies and spoke out for him. The aspergers had given Zuno-ryoku a unrivalled intellect that pushed into genius, yet also stripped him of any and all emotional defence. He was a prime target for ridicule, often picked on and tormented with no way to defend himself. So that's what Yukan was there for, always in his brothers corner, always sticking up for him.

People were starting to stare at Zuno-ryoku rocking in his chair, so Yukan places the heavy box file on his brothers lap. Almost immediately the rocking stopped, the weight calming him down and ceasing all movement. Yukan knew all the little tricks on how to keep his brother on track, he could see that Zuno-ryoku had entered his own little world. His face was blank and his eyes empty, Yukan could see the gears turning inside that brilliant mind of his brother. It was his greatest strength and weakness, since he was this ability that made him able to work as hard as he did, but Yukan had also come to realise he couldn't control it and Zuno-ryoku would be oblivious to the rest of the world when he really needed to be considered concentrating. Lucky Zuno-ryoku would always have have Yukan to bring him back down to Earth.

Fear touched Yukans heart, in many ways the CCG threatened to tear them apart. Not only was there the possibility that either of them could die, but Zuno-ryoku's mind also drove a wedge between them. When he had announced his desire to join the CCG, Yukan had been rocked to his core. Zuno-ryoku has explained that he thought it would be interesting and give him the chance to challenge himself mentally, that it was the only career that he didn't find boring. At first Yukan wasn't too concerned, since there was very little change he'd pass the physical since he had never been never interested in physical excessive. Yet he suddenly, like everything else he committed his mind to, started to prepare with a resolve that made it impossible to fail.

Yakun had applied to join along side him to keep his eye on him, he had been effortless in passing with seniors. That he would get full marks in the written exams were never in question, Yakun had needed a little help from his brother to pass himself. What was surprising was how spectacular Zuno-ryoku was in the practical, annihilating his opponents in ever faster moves. Zuno-ryoku never acted, he only reacted. He was able to identify patterns with astonishing speed and accuracy, allowing him to spot an opponents habits and tells. A clenched fist before the strike, the eyes darting down to where they intended to attack or even the shifting of weight before the lunge, Zuno-ryoku knew them all.

Zuno-ryoku was too good though, he was climbing the ladder too fast for Yakun to keep up. He was already an Rank 1 investigator, that in itself a respectful achievement to begin with and especially for his age, yet Zuno-ryoku had become an Associate Special Class Investigator in record time. Yakun saw less and less of him by the day, already he was unable to help him much. One day Zuno-ryoku would end up in a situation where he needed his younger brother again and he wouldn't be there.

"Sorry for the wait boys." Shinohara apologised with a smile, leaning in the doorway after opening the door to his office. "Come on in." He told them, they both came in and placed their files on the table. "Take a seat." The special class investigator told them, though he hadn't been expecting Zuno-ryoku to bend down and try to leave the room with the chair.

"Zuno!" Yakun called, causing his brother to freeze. "We've talked about this, he doesn't mean he wants you to take a chair he means he wants you to sit down. I'm sorry sir, but he has a tendency to take things literally. Zuno give him your card." Zuno-ryoku nodded and reached into his coat, pulling out a large business like card and handed it to Shinohara. The man frowned and seemed genuinely confused, taking a moment to read it.

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