...this war ends today

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Zuno-ryoku was especially agitated by everything going on, more so then Yukan had seen him in a long time. It used to be that the loud sounds and bright, rotating lights of the sirens would send him into a panic, but these days he just occasionally shook his head when he was standing too close to the sirens. No, it wasn't anything like that which was infuriating Zuno-ryoku. It was the fact he was being totally and utterly ignored by an ignorant foul.

Yukan understood that Zuno-ryoku could be a hand full, that not everyone could deal with him. Yukan had always believed that he was able to get Zuno-ryoku's argument across to people and ultimately convince them, but the commander in charge was an ignorant idiot who wouldn't listen to reason. Zuno-ryoku had gotten his point across on his own better then usual, Yukan was able to clear any confusion to the commander but he had spat back in their faces.

"I don't need a freaks held in running this operation." He had yelled at them.

"Sir." Yukan tried to explain calmly, though greatly angered by the out of order comment. Zuno-ryoku seemed to care none at all about the insults but founds the foul hardiness aggregating. "I know my brother can be difficult to talk to, but I assure you he..."

"Shut it!" The commander yelled at them both. "Get outta here before I throw you both out."

Now Zuno-ryoka was pacing like caged lion outside, Yukan letting him have his mini-freak out. "Bad." He stated shaking his head. "Bad bad bad, Aries healing factor 7, Aquarius 6, Leo 7, Capricorn..." He continued listening the capabilities of Zodiac chimeras, listing off Scorpios as simply unknown for each.

They had all seen scorpio and Leo battling it out on the roof, they both looked battered and bruised but clearly Scorpio at least had some strength left as he threw the other ghoul back to the ground. The commander wanted to wait a while longer to ensure that they had no fight left in them, but Zuno-ryoka knew the known stats of all of Zodiac and was now convinced that they were giving them time to heal without realising it. They were unlikely to recover to full strength but they might be able to heal just enough as to form a defence. Zuno-ryoka wanted to attack now while they were most likely to be injured, but the commander had overruled them.

For now, they'd just have to wait.

Everyone was hurting, all around the warehouse ghouls were gulping in oxygen as if you'd nearly drowned. You were the only one still on your feet and only barely, most of the others were down for the count. Aries was probably in the best physical condition since he's sustained no actually wounds, it was only the result of the poison in his veins that had put him down. It was pretty lethal stuff, but there was no telling how different ghouls might take it, though it had clearly done more then a little harm to him.

Leo was out cold, Aquarius was bleeding out on the floor and Taurus, somehow, was still alive with his neck and spine snapped in at least two places, Virgo was back up after healing, cancer was being roused back to consciences, Gemini was still down, Pisces's Kagune had been torn to bits, Sagittarius was missing half his face, Capricorn was trying to heal from his various wounds to his chest and Kagune from Aries who himself was trying to stand but kept stumbling from the venom. The other ghouls weren't varying much better, Touka was panting heavily from exhaustion but rize was already binging on the dead ghoul males and tsukiyama was being tended to by his servants.

No one was sure what to do now the fight was over, in fact it wasn't even sure if there was a true victor. Both sides seemed to have reached a stale mate, though rize could probably kill the Zodiac chimeras easily now they were all down.  It was confusing, a uneasy few minutes as every took the time to come to grips with the situation. Now that Leo was over, what happened to his loyalists? Would you order them killed? Demand their loyalty? Let them go? No one knew, frankly not even you did.

Scorpio (Tokyo Ghoul Touka x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now