Eyes Deceived (Chapter 10)

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Ok. So I recently watched last night's episode. Im shook. So shook that i swear, I need adult supervision on this ahh! I loved it so much, I. Need. More.  Buttttttt anywaysssss heres some fluff cause why not. Im sure you all were waiting for some affection ahh! -Ren

One foot after the other. Taking small steps that can make a huge difference.  I never knew what steps I took..but it for sure I didnt stay in the same spot. Nothing but endless forest as I looked up down the road. Skipping over rocks and twigs, my feet brushed against the dirt and leaves. Crunch. Crunch. "Don't go too far Y/N." I stopped and looked at my grandfather. Tapping his stick, feeling the ground as he walked slowly onto the dirt road. You see, my grandfather was blind.. But he can somehow see you in a way. Tap. Tap. All I heard was endless tapping, as if it was ticking like a clock. Tick. Tick. Tick. Looking at him, he hummed lowly as his long locks dangled over his shoulders. He tilts his head up and smiled slowly. He stood behind me as he says. "Shh.. Do you hear that?"

Raising my brow, I stood there in silence. Trying to listen. Nothing but animals making sounds. "Hear what Grandpa?" I looked at him. He just smiles and just swaying his head as if there was music slowly. "The Word of God. "

The Word of God...I stared out to the world with nothing but that memory. Sadly my day dreaming was broken by Henry's voice. "Y/N." Only moving my eyes, I looked up at him and I replied. "Yeah?" Henry looked down at me and sighed as he spoke. "I was saying the the kid is going to stay with me. You dont have to worry about him anymore. I'll be able to put him into a medical facility a few towns away. We are waiting for them for an opening. " Slowly moving my head back, I havent slept since the incident. As if losing hope, my body feels so heavy. I'm so exhausted. Then again, realization hit me as I spoke. "I dont have a place to go now.. Ever since Dennis's death. His family left town.. The kid is all I have left. So where ever he goes, I go. " Henry sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose as the man was sitting on the stairs. He was eating the donuts I got for him earlier, checking the time. It was 2:30 AM.

Thinning out my lips, we all turned our heads as the doors opened. Molly and Jackie walked in. As if finally sound had entered the room. Jackie sighed happily and grinned as she looked at us. "So what we miss?" I looked away, not in the mood at all as Henry shook his head. "Not much." Molly puts her bag on the counter top as she sighed and looked back.

"So the plan is going to continue?" Henry nodded and moved towards the wall, leaning his back. Sighing as he spoke. "Yes. Things will continue.. Y/N you can come live at my place also. But once he's in the facility, that's it. " I just stared at the ground, until i heard footsteps moving over to me. Looking up, the man crouched in front of me and rest his forehead against mine. His arms resting on my lap as I closed my eyes. Sighing through my nose, I heard him say. "Im sorry Y/N." His voice was quiet, but loud enough for you to hear him. He is seriously like a child, apologizing after being scolded for something they weren't supoose to do.

Opening my eyes, My attention went to his eyes...we stared for a good few seconds as I smiled. Sighing. Bumping my forhead lightly against his, I said. "I swear.. If you keep doing that. Im going to have to get you a leash. " The man hummed softly, well.. That was new. Pulling our heads away from each other, Jackie was watching us as Henry and Molly were discussing. "Now that was cute. " Jackie had a donut in her hand as she took a bite. "How dith u too meeet?" She says,  mouthful. I looked at her as I was about to speak. The man spoke. "Eden. "

Eden? The Garden of Eden or the Garden of God. A paradise world for Adam and Eve... Blinking. I looked at him and he looked at me as he rest his head and arms on my lap. Leaning back, I gently ran my fingers through his locks. Jackie hummed as she says. "Thats some deep shit there,  I'll tell ya that. " She smiles. Henry then walks over to us as I kept my attention on the man. "We all should get some rest. In the morning we can head over to my place and settle from there. Now we all gotta go. Are you going to keep an eye on him from now on?"

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