Let It Bleed

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  AN/:: This chapter is primarily the end of Season 6 Episode 21. I wanted to make sure we were all on the same timeline. I'll be posting chapter two (which is where our story really begins) no later than Monday. Enjoy this little trip down memory lane, because it took forever to write down!! I do not own anything in the Supernatural universe. This story is simply for entertainment purposes; I am not making a profit from this. The thoughts and ideas AFTER this chapter are mine, I do not claim the characters as my own as they are simply here to help tell my story. Hope y'all enjoy!

Dean Winchester sat in the quiet hospital room 'why her, why them' running nonstop through his mind as he holds the hand of the woman lying in the bed. Lisa Braeden's life was fading; the doctors did all that they could for the woman he loved but the demon that possessed her hours before did more damage then Dean thought.

Dean looked up at the boy he had come to love as a son; he swallowed roughly as the thought of Benjamin Braeden losing his mother because of him. "Ben, I'm sorry."

Ben looked away from his mother to him. Dean could see the pain and lost confusion in Ben's eyes. He knew the twelve year old had no idea what to do or say. Ben stood up silently and left the room.

"Ben," Dean called after him; he wants to say more but he noticed that Castiel had appeared. Dean's demeanor grew serious "what do you want?"

Castiel's stoic face didn't falter as he approached the hospital bed "Dean, listen..."

"What do you want me to say?" Dean interrupted his face hardened as he glared at the angel he once considered a brother "She'll be dead by midnight."

"I'm sorry," Castiel tried again.

"I don't care," his gaze flicking to the doorway before settling on Lisa once again "it's too little too late."

Castiel turned his gaze to the floor "okay," he said quietly.

"Well, regardless," Castiel said finding his voice looking back at Dean "I didn't come for you."

"Meaning?" Dean asked with annoyance.

Instead of responding Castiel closed the gap between himself and Lisa and placed his hand upon her head to heal her. Dean watched with bated breath looking back and forth between the angel and his love.

"She's fine now," Castiel Informed him as he removed his hand "she'll wake soon."

Dean stood up to look at Lisa's monitors and watched as her vitals dropped to much safer numbers. 'She's gonna be okay' he thought as he looked down at her 'but will she stay that way?' The internal debate that now pledged his mind showed on his face.

"Dean. I said I'm sorry, and I meant it."

"Thank you," Dean replied meeting Castiel's gaze "I wish this changed anything."

"I know," Castiel replied seriously."So do I."

Deans eyes softened but his jaw set, he was doing his best to keep his emotions locked down. She was going to be okay. He was thankful to Castiel for saving her life but if he truly wanted them to be safe he was going to have to let them go. His gaze dropped to the woman he loved once more. Taking in her features, committing them to memory.

"All else aside, I just wanted to fix what I could." Castiel said as he turned to leave Dean called out "There's one more thing you could do for me."

Dean's eyes glossed over as he tore his gaze away from Lisa "I need you to erase me from their memories."

His Jaw clenched hard as tried to keep the pain out of his voice. This was for the best, and he needed to do this to keep his family safe. Even if it hurt worse then being pulled from Hell.


Ben sat on his mother's hospital bed quietly, the doctor said she should be waking up any time now. He gave her a small smile as she woke with a bewildered look "hey mom."

"Hey," she said, confused "what..."

"You're in the hospital," Ben supplied.

"What happened?"

"We were in a car crash," Ben explained.

Lisa's eyes widened and she gave her son a once over "are you okay!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," he assured her "you hit your head pretty bad, but you're okay now."

Ben smiled at his mom happy they were both alright. The crash was still a little fuzzy to him but all that matters was that they're alive. A knock on the open door drew their attention.

"Hi," said the tall stranger as he stepped into the room. He looked at them with longing and worry. Lisa and Ben looked at him expectedly.

"Who are you?" Ben asked when the silence became awkward.

"Uh, I'm Dean," he said. "Uh, the guy who hit you."

Ben looked to his mom as she said "oh," lightly.

"I just, uh..." Dean looked down as if to pull himself together. "I lost control for a minute" he paused to take a breath to calm his nerves."And I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. But I'm really happy you two are both okay and uh, I'm just... I'm glad your life can get back to normal now."

Lisa smiled at Dean and looked at Ben "we're okay, so... so that's what's important right?"

Ben watched as Deans eyes glossed over when his mom smiled at him "Yeah," he said lightly. He didn't think it was weird that the guy who hit them came to check on their well being. Ben thought it was weird that it almost seemed as if he was saying goodbye. Like to that relative that's dying and you know you'll never see again.

"Anyway," Dean perked up taking a breath "I'll leave you two alone."

Ben watched Deans face harden and instantly erase all emotions.

"You take care of your mom," Dean said in a strained voice looking Ben right in the eyes, he nodded to him in reply, then he was gone.

Ben shook his head to shake off the weird encounter as a nurse came into the room. "Hey, mom can we have pizza for dinner?"

"Yeah," Lisa replied with a laugh. "Just as soon as they release me."

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