Time to Die

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"The vampire has a name and you will do no such thing," I said.

"No!" The shout came from the corner Zane was crouched in but it didn't sound anything like his voice. It was higher and panicked and sounded like it might've belonged to a little boy. Malick and I looked at him. Phoebe was just stirring on the floor. Zane's eyes were wide and his shoulders were rising and falling in an uneven rhythm.

"You have to let him kill me," he whispered. Malick drew in a gasp of shock while I was stunned into complete silence. Malick appeared to get over his shock though because he just shrugged and pulled a silver stake out of a sheath on his belt.

My eyes flicked incredulously between Malick and Zane. Zane was gripping the chains so hard his knuckles turned white but the metal neither dented nor broke. His chest was heaving with apprehension and at the moment he appeared no older than fourteen or fifteen years old. A child scared of his own abilities; a child that would rather die than hurt anymore people; a child that needed to be protected. I lunged toward Malick and gripped his arm with all the strength I possessed. Malick's free hand instantly flew to mine.

"Let go," he growled at me. I shook my head furiously and ignored the tears spilling down my face. Malick stared at my tears with apparent fascination.

"Lori, just let him go!" Zane cried. I looked at him. His face was twisted with restraint. I didn't have much time. I shook my head again.

"I can't. I can't let you die, Zane," I sobbed. Malick shook his arm but I kept a tight hold.

"The beast wants to die. Let me go!" he snarled. I seized the opportunity.

"Exactly! He said he wants to die to keep himself from killing people. That means he's good!" I shrieked. Malick stared at me disbelievingly.

"Good? Fifteen dead girls in less than a week. Thousands before them. He is the complete opposite of good," he said stonily. I stared at him.

"How do you know about them?" I asked. Nadia was the only girl on the news. The fourteen others we had burned to an unrecognizable crisp. Malick smirked coldly.

"You're not the only one who knows things," he said.

"What?" I gasped in shock. He took advantage of my shock and yanked his arm away from me. Apparently I had been relying on him to keep me standing because I fell onto my butt. He continued towards Zane and I saw Zane shrink into the corner. Malick wielded the stake professionally and no hint of emotion showed in his eyes as he positioned the silver point against Zane's chest. Zane pulled the chain tight and closed his eyes.

"Time to die vampire," Malick whispered. Oh my God. He was really going to kill him. I pushed myself up from the ground just as Malick drove the stake into Zane's chest.

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