Vodka and Whiskey

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Keegan threw back the rest of the amber liquid and slammed the glass back onto the counter so forcefully I was surprised it didn't shatter. Gabe jumped at the loud noise. Keegan spun around, planted his hands firmly upon the silvery counter-top, and stared straight into Gabe's small brown eyes.

"I said she's with me," he hissed hostilely. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up at the sound of his voice. Gabe's eyes widened with fear and then relaxed. A brainwashed smile bent his lips and he looked at me.

"Hey, Darling, can I get you something to drink?" he asked me. I started to shake my head slowly but Keegan interjected, "Yeah, she'll take two vodka shots and another one of these," he picked up his empty glass and waved it in front of Gabe's face. "Only make it a double this time." Gabe nodded and poured more of the amber liquid into Keegan's glass, this time filling it nearly three quarters of the way. He took two shot glasses, placed them on the bar and filled them to the brim with Absolut vodka. He put the vodka bottle back on the shelf and then walked off to the other end of the bar. Keegan picked up his glass and gestured for me to come closer. I grudgingly obliged and walked forward until I was standing directly beside him. He turned and leaned back against the bar so he could survey the crowd. He touched the rim of his glass to his lips and waved a hand at the shots of vodka.

"What? I'm not drinking that," I said. My voice got lost in the music but I knew he heard me. He took a drink from his glass. "Why not, chicken?" he said mockingly. I scoffed and shook my head.

"Dude, peer pressure. I'm not gonna drink vodka just cuz you call me chicken." He sighed in false wistfulness. "After I got all grouchy with Gabe just so you could stay, this is the thanks I get?" he asked with an adorable pout. I had to will myself not to stare at him.

"I guess so," I replied. "It's not like you'll get drunk or anything. Hunters have a higher tolerance for alcohol just like vampires do. You probably won't even get a buzz. It sucks; I have to drink a whole bottle of whisky before I even feel anything." I stared at the two little shot glasses. They looked like they were filled with water but it smelled like rubbing alcohol. If he was right, what was the worst that could happen?

"Eh, what the hell?" I said with a shrug. I grabbed both of the shots and knocked them back one after the other. The liquid burned in the back of my throat but I didn't let my distaste show on my face. My dad always said, "when you drink in public, never let them see you make a face." I returned the glasses to the counter and Keegan laughed.

"Oh that was brilliant, Lor," he said gleefully. "Here, try this; I'll be just a second." He shoved his glass into my hands. I sniffed it curiously and caught hints of oak and vanilla under the overpowering scent of alcohol.

"What is it?" I asked. Keegan glanced down at Gabe who was conversing casually with a costumer at the other end of the bar.

"Irish whisky," he answered. I watched as he climbed lithely over the counter and grabbed the bottle of whisky and the bottle of vodka our drinks had been poured from. "It tastes a whole lot better than it did back in the day I can tell you that," he continued as he slid back over the counter. He poured two more shots then set the bottle of vodka on the counter. He removed the stopper from the whisky bottle and then clinked the bottom of the bottle against the glass that was still in my hands.

"Bottoms up, girly," he said with a grin. He put the lip of the bottle to his mouth and started downing the whisky so fast that he drained the nearly full bottle in around seven seconds flat. He pulled the bottle away from his lips, leaned over the counter and stowed the empty bottle under it on the other side. He took the two vodka shots and dumped them into the glass I had in my hands. Then he picked up the vodka bottle, sucked himself down a mouthful and put that under the bar as well. He turned on me and said, "You and me, we're gonna have some fun now, so drink up." His words weren't even slurred but his accent had become a tad more prominent than it had been. He tipped the glass towards my mouth and I unthinkingly took a sip. The mixture of whisky and vodka made my tongue sting.  

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