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Once we got back to the kitchen Keegan laid the bags out on the counter.

"Four two pint bags should be enough to tide him over for a while," Keegan said.

"Okay, but from whom are we going to get this blood?" I asked. Keegan was quiet for a moment before he grinned and said, "I know a few choice cutlets I wouldn't mind bleeding."

"No Hunters!" I said firmly and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"I didn't say anything about Hunters."

"No, but you were thinking it," I said pointing a crooked finger at him.

"And how would you know what I'm thinking?" I smirked and twirled my finger in front of his face.

"It was written all over your face." He jerked forward with an open mouth and his teeth clamped down where my fingertip had been less than a second ago. I stuck my tongue out at him and before I could take it back in he caught me by the waist and wrenched me forward.

"You'd best be careful, lassie, or I might try and bite that off next," he said his face inches from mine. My face burned and he sighed.

"Keegan, stop flirting with my girlfriend!" came a hysteric shout from the basement and Keegan chuckled before taking a step back. I don't know which part of Zane it was that called me his girlfriend but I was pleased.

"Alright, in all seriousness we're gonna need a least four different people if we don't wan't anyone to get sick," Keegan said and Phoebe and I nodded.

"But who are we going to take blood from?" Phoebe asked. Keegan shrugged and replied, "We could just go door to door really."

"Not in my neighborhood!" I exclaimed and Keegan rolled his eyes.

"Why not?"

"Three Hunters in the vicinity, remember? They'd totally know if people were getting their blood stolen," I said.

"But it will be freshest if we get it from nearby," he retorted. We were all silent for a moment and I thought.

"I think I might know who we can go to," I said.

"Who?" Phoebe asked. I considered it for a moment more and then I said, "Nate."

"Nate, Asher and their parents make four," I continued. After a moment of silent excitement Phoebe's face fell and she said, "We can't do that to Nate."

"He's the only person we might be able to get consent from and that would make me feel a whole lot better about this," I insisted.

"Yeah, from Nate maybe, but his parents? Asher? Plus we can't just go telling everyone about vampires and we would have to do that to get consent," Phoebe said. I sighed and mumbled, "You're right."

Keegan suddenly scoffed and grabbed the collection bags.

"You know what? I'll just take care of this myself," he said starting towards the door.

Phoebe and I rushed after him and I said, "One of us has to go with you to make sure you don't hurt anyone."

Keegan grimaced and snapped, "I'm not an idiot. I know what I'm doing."

"Never said you were. But it was Phoebe who came up with the plan and no offense, but I still don't trust you."

"None taken," he mumbled.

Soulless (Book #2 of Hunted)Where stories live. Discover now