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Keegan shrugged and said, "You might have noticed that I am incredibly deft at making people do what I tell them, more so than Anton or many others of my kind." I thought about what he said and I realized he was right. Anton had demanded that I release him countless times and not once had I sincerely felt the desire to obey him but with Keegan almost every instruction he had given from commanding me to let him into my house to telling me to stop worrying before we left for the club I had desperately wanted to follow.

"You can think of it as an extension of my persuasion ability; I can make you do what I want you to do, think what I want you to think, feel what I want you to feel," he said turning the car on to the main road. I was glad to be out of the warehouse district. He grinned adorably.

"Though I seriously didn't mean to make you feel my bite. It was completely unintentional I swear," he said. I purse my lips at him and rubbed my neck. I could still feel a ghost of the pain.

"Then why did it happen?" I asked grouchily. He laughed almost apologetically and his eyes left the road to catch my gaze.

"Well you see, it seems sometimes when I feed my more potent abilities like that one for instance tend to run amuck and affect anyone within a few feet." He smiled sweetly and then continued, "And while I was drinking down that Victorian Punk it happened that in the back of my mind I was subconsciously wishing that it was your blood I was swallowing and not hers. You being so close at the time I guess you just..." he trailed off and shrugged innocently.

"Felt your fantasy," I finished his sentence for him. He nodded. I shook my head in disbelief and muttered, "Well that was an experience." He laughed.

We traveled along the main road for a few minutes in awkward silence before he turned his sexy-ass Audi into my neighborhood, onto my street and into my driveway next to my car.

He pulled the key out of ignition and tucked the ring into a pocket on the inside of his jacket. I was about to open the passenger door and get out when I felt his hand on my shoulder. My heart jumped involuntarily at his touch and I turned in my seat to face him.

"Before we go in can you answer one question for me?" he asked with a slight smile playing around the edges of his mouth. I raised a suspicious eyebrow at him and wondered what he could possibly want to ask me and why he was even asking if he could ask me something. I nodded.

"Sure," I replied. His smile grew and it was difficult to fight the matching one that was threatening to mar my otherwise indifferent expression.

"Did you have fun?" he asked me. I was so surprised by the utter simplicity of his question that I let a laugh escape my throat.

"Yeah, I think I actually did have fun," I said realizing that it was true. He released my shoulder and laughed at my laugh.

"Good, I'm glad. That was kind of the whole reason for bringing you along," he said opening his door. I looked at him confusedly and then hastily got out of the car. I followed him up the driveway to the front steps and said, "Really? I thought the whole point was so I didn't lock you out of my house." He stopped and turned to look at me before ascending the five steps at the front of my house.

"That might've been an excuse," he said with a shrug. "The real reason was to get you to relax a little. You seemed kinda stressed." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Stressed? You think?" I asked sarcastically. He laughed and shook his head in amusement.

"Don't forget your new platforms," he said pointing at the car. "I worked hard for those." I spun on my heel and skipped back to the car to get the boots. I slung them over my arm and said, "Oh yeah you worked real hard because it was a total battlefield killing that Gothic tramp." Though he fought to keep quiet I could hear his laughter even with his hand covering his mouth. I rejoined him at the front step.

"It was hard," he managed to say after he had ceased laughing. "She wouldn't have looked at me twice if you weren't there." I pursed my lips and scrutinized his face to see if he was being for real.

"Oh yeah because gawky teenage girl trumps sexy super Adonis every time," I muttered followed immediately by a fierce blush that reached all the way back to my ears. I hadn't meant to call him a super Adonis.

"Believe me, I'm not exactly use to that but you do have a certain appeal I suppose," he said with a hint of resentment. Looks like Mr. Adonis couldn't deal with a skirt chaser thinking I was prettier than him.

Soulless (Book #2 of Hunted)Where stories live. Discover now