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I heard a door clang shut over the sound of my blood pulsing in my ears.

"Matthias! What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Keegan's voice rang powerfully through the air and he sounded pissed. I immediately felt the man's hold on me slacken.

"Found this chick in your ride, Keegan. Thought I'd have some fun with her," he replied. 

"You didn't have enough fun with Meaghan and Alicia?" Keegan asked coming towards us. I stood as still as humanly possible, fighting the urge to elbow this Matthias guy in the chest. He laughed and I couldn't help but notice it sounded a bit maniacal.

"No such thing as enough fun, man," he said. "Especially with all your stupid rules here; 'no unnecessary injuring,' what the hell does that even mean?" he exclaimed. 

"Means let her go before I rip your arms off, Matt," Keegan said in a threateningly friendly voice.

"Aw, Keegan, you're such a buzz kill," Matthias muttered, removing his left arm from my waist and stroking the side of my head a bit roughly. I gnashed my teeth together and swallowed all the insults I could spit in his face. I didn't want to make this even worse. I saw the edge of Keegan's mouth twitch upwards.

"Fine, you keep sexually harassing the new Hunter and I'm sure the rest of her team won't think anything of it," he said lightheartedly. I felt Matthias' grasp loosen more and I pushed him off of me. I rubbed my neck and watched Matthias stumble backwards.

"What the hell, man? Why are you driving around with a fucking Hunter in the passenger seat?" he exclaimed, his voice rising in what sounded like fear. Keegan laughed out loud at the shock on Matthias' face.

"She's got a fetish for vampires or something. I think she's trying to be a rebel," he said. I glared at him.

"I do not have a 'fetish for vampires' and I'm not being a rebel." I couldn't stop the words before they flew out of my mouth. Keegan turned to look at me and his eyes came to the spot on my side where Matthias' nails had punctured my skin. The wounds had stopped bleeding already but they weren't completely healed.

"Oh really? So most girls just go out and date vampires, right?" he asked. I felt my face burn. Matthias snorted in amusement.

"You're dating a vampire? How's that work exactly? I don't think I could go an hour without trying to take a bite outta you," he said. I scowled at him.

"How it works is none of your business!" I yanked open the car door and sat down pointedly.

"Are we going or what? I don't like leaving Phoebe alone with Zane too long," I said severely. Keegan sighed and went to the driver's seat. Matthias leaned against my door and bent to look through the window. I tried not to look at him.

"A rogue Hunter, huh? I can dig it. Tell me your name," he said. I sighed and let my eyes graze over him. His face had turned innocent and playful again.

"Lorelei," I grudgingly responded. He chuckled.

"How fitting; the lovely Lorelei, a siren on a rock in the middle of the Rhine luring sailors to their death with her echoing song. Your blood sings your siren song." I stared at him curiously as he closed his eyes and listened, like my blood was literally singing to him. I was just impressed he actually knew the origin of my name. Most people thought I was named after the chicks from Gilmore Girls.

He opened his eyes and said, "You turn eighteen, get control over your Hunter powers, you should hit me up. We'll have a real party." I narrowed my eyes at him and tried to decide if he was just screwing with me. Not many handsome men found me very appealing.

"Oh yeah, that's gonna happen," I replied sarcastically. I pulled my seat belt across my body and rolled up my window. I felt him staring at me as Keegan started up the car. A confusing smirk played around the edges of Matthias' lips and his brown eyes smoldered like dying embers. I couldn't help but feel like I had just dodged a bullet. 

Soulless (Book #2 of Hunted)Where stories live. Discover now