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"STOP!!" I screamed. "I invite you in! Come inside!" I yelled. He didn't move from the position he was in, his mouth open over Phoebe's throat, the edges of his lips quivering with the urge to bite down. "What are you doing? I invited you in! Let her go!" I screeched. I knew it! The bloodsucking bastard wasn't going to keep his promise. He slowly closed his mouth and pulled his face away from her. He let the hand around her throat drop and he shoved her forward back through the doorway. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him.

"Why are you here?" I asked taking Phoebe aside. Keegan brushed by us and walked deeper into my house. His figure blurred and he was gone. Phoebe gasped aloud. He was really fast. I knew immediately where he was headed. I sprinted down the hall, through the living room and into the kitchen. He was in the basement. I started down the stairs when Phoebe said, "I think he broke my hand." I turned around to see her cradling her right hand.

"I'm so sorry, Pheebs. I couldn't let him in. I guess it doesn't matter now," I said. I could hear the chains rattling in the basement. She nodded sadly.

"I get it. But you're right. He's in here now and he's probably gonna kill us both," she admitted. Not the most comforting thing she could've said. I went downstairs and I saw Keegan pulling furiously at the chains but even he was unable to break them.

"What did you do?" he yelled. Zane flinched but he didn't really seem to notice that any of us were there. I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Maybe you're not as strong as you thought," I said mockingly. He let go of the chain and it took all my concentration to keep up with his movements so I couldn't do much before he had me pinned to the brick wall. He opened his mouth wide and the sound that came from him was undoubtedly terrifying but it was nowhere near as wild as the scream Zane made. The sound was monstrous yet strictly controlled. His eyes were completely black and they were enraged.

"You did this!" he screeched at me his voice reaching a volume no mortals could. He pulled my body a couple inches away from the wall and then slammed me back, jolting my internal organs. I was the one under attack now and I couldn't count on Phoebe to keep using her magic to fight my battles. My limbs began to buzz and I could feel a strange feeling pumping through me, a little like adrenaline but my mind fogged and I couldn't stop myself. His hands were locked on my upper arms but my hands were free. With all the strength I could muster I swung my right arm forward and punched him as hard as I could in the stomach. His hands on my arms loosened and he stumbled backward.

I pushed myself off the wall and with a closed fist I aimed for his face. His hand came up and closed around my wrist. He was staring at me, astonishment plain on his face, and his eyes had returned to the clear green-grey they had been before.

"Bloody hell, woman! That actually hurt," he exclaimed. I glared at him and tried to yank my arm back but he was prepared for my resistance. He stared at me curiously and pinioned my arms to my sides. I tried to move but my moment of strength had fled.

"And you wonder why the Hunters went after you, Anton? It's just like you to try and date one," he said to Zane without taking his eyes off me. He leaned into me and sniffed my skin almost daintily. I saw his pupils dilate slightly then recede. His thin lips pulled up in a devious smile.

"And that's not all you are, siren. How he's gone so long without draining you, I'll never know," he whispered glaring hungrily at my throat. I felt my brow furrow in confusion. Siren? His hand slid down my right arm and I felt his cold fingers on the scars on my forearm.

"Well I guess he's not a complete idiot, he's gotten at least one good thing out of this twisted relationship," he murmured digging his fingers painfully into my arm. Against my will, he pulled my arm up to his lips and asked, "I wonder how angry he'd be if I took a taste?" I thought about trying to pull away but why bother? Keegan had no morals, he wouldn't think twice before killing me. The only hope I had of getting out of this was preying on the friendship Zane and Keegan shared.

"I think he'd be very angry," I said trying to keep my voice from trembling. He sighed against my skin and shut his eyes.

"I imagine you're correct and he'd be even more furious because I'm afraid I haven't much in the way of restraint. Once I start drinking I usually have no intention of stopping," he said. Zane was staring at Keegan and I, his mouth open slightly, his eyes coming in and going out of focus. He was completely out of it. Phoebe was standing by the stairs nursing her hand with a glowing light. She was healing herself. I was on my own. Keegan opened his eyes and met mine. The swirling mixture of green and grey in his eyes made my eyes buzz and my brain go numb, his lips still rested on the scar of Zane's bite.

"Tell me what you did to those chains and I might not kill you," he mumbled, his smooth lips moving nearly lasciviously against my skin.

"I didn't do anything to the chains." I cast my eyes towards Phoebe with a painful effort. Breaking eye contact with this man was even more difficult than breaking it with Zane. He followed my gaze, moving his mouth from my arm. The healing glow went out and Phoebe rolled her wrist with a slight wince. "She enchanted them and made them unbreakable," I said. 

Soulless (Book #2 of Hunted)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن