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The horrendous cry rang everywhere. Everywhere in the town the cry could be heard and the emotions it conveyed could be felt. The humans didn't stir for their deaf ears couldn't pick up the mental cry for help. It was the sound of a starving animal locked in a cage and kept away from its food, its insatiable hunger left to grow and grow past unbearable. The cruelty of such an act was as unimaginable as the pain the poor beast endured.

My eyes snapped open and the echo of that horrendous cry died in my ears. Shafts of dim light peeked through the blinds on my windows, patterning the floor. I rolled over and glanced at the glowing green numbers of the electric clock on my nightstand. It was 9:34am. I believe this is the latest I've slept during this whole summer break. But how did I sleep this long? Did Zane remain quiet this whole time? 

I sat up and listened but I heard nothing. I literally heard nothing but my thoughts, the sound of my ceiling fan whirring overhead, and the sound of my breathing. I heard nothing going on downstairs or outside or in Phoebe's room. I got out of bed and went to the window. I pushed the vertical blinds aside and stared out my second story window. The day was dull but I saw the girl from two houses down walking her schnauzer and talking on her cell phone and a couple of cars driving down the street. I listened hard but I could not hear the cars or the girl's chatter. I tentatively tapped the glass and the sound could be heard. "So it's not my ears," I murmured to myself.

I walked to the bathroom connected to my room and switched on the light. Usually I used the bathroom across the hallway that had always been "my" bathroom because this bathroom had actually belonged to my parents and a lot of events took place in here that I didn't care to remember. My whole bedroom had once belonged to my parents and the guest room Phoebe used was my room before they died, hence, using the bathroom across the hall. I wasn't quite ready to leave the safety of this room and I'd rather prod old scars than fresh wounds.

I picked a new toothbrush from the cupboard under the sink and a new tube of toothpaste. This bathroom also doubled as a toiletry supply closet. I slowly brushed my teeth attempting to count the strokes but losing count after fifty-seven. I hastily combed my fingers through my hair and dressed in a pair of baggy jeans and an Alice Cooper band shirt. I paused in front of the new door Phoebe and I had bought from the hardware store. It was bright blue and the color was supposed to bring peace to my mind according to Phoebe and her Magical Household book. It didn't work though. All the blue door did was remind me of the first night Zane tried to kill me and it annoyed me that it didn't match all the other doors in the house.

I took a deep breath and shuffled my bare feet on the hard wood floor. Oh come on, wimp! Go check on Zane! My brain chastised me. I pursed my lips and tried to determine if I should leave my safe bedroom and confront either the screaming primal demon, the arrogant immortal douche-bag, the Zane I loved or if I should just get back into bed and watch television. Come on you chicken! I punched myself in the arm as hard as I could and grabbed the door knob.

Soulless (Book #2 of Hunted)Where stories live. Discover now