Day Twenty Nine P2

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The mans voice was so high I just wanted him to say "Pika Pika" for some reason.
"S-So..." I started. "I'm sorry for your door... but the volcano is about to erupt."
I totally made that up just now, but it seemed to work, the mans face started to look like he was thinking... I don't know what he was thinking about but he just was.
"I..." The high voice started. "I am not going anywhere, I have a hurt man inside and he is not in a good condition."
He took his broadsword in front of him again and took a hostile position, I don't know if I want to fight the guy that sent Sloth flying in a second...
"What's going on here?" Sabbu said after we all forgot he was with us. "First I wake up in a burnt down tent, then I fall down a cliff and almost land in the flowing lava, and now you're getting threatened by a guy wielding a crappy made, yet very big.. broad... sword..."
Sabbu's words started coming out slower and less hard as he saw the big man wielding the broadsword one handed.
The volcano started to rumble, making the ground shake with it, rocks, blazing with traces of magma flew out of the volcano.
"Told you it's about to erupt!" I yelled at the guy with the high voice.
"Then let's get out of here already!" He yelled back.
He closed his door too hard and half the house fell apart. We ran to the point where we got in and to our surprises, the lava got higher due to the eruption.
We had to walk very carefully, the heat under our feet. It was starting to become unbearable, but we found the exit of the cave.
"We made it!" Sloth screamed. "Nothing is going to kill us anymore!"
A wyvern flew by, grabbed Sloth without any hesitation as he was the one jumping around.
"I will be ok! I promise!" Sloth yelled.
"Sloth!" Sayla yelled back. "Sayla and friends will help Sloth!"
He was already out of the reach of Saylas voice. We lost a good man today, he might have started to go a little mad, but in the end, he was a good man.
We started our walk back. The guy with the high voice still following is for some reason.
As it was almost night, we set up camp, we didn't have more than just a few sleeping bags and a campfire though, luckily I brought a knife to make us some wooden stakes to protect us from small wildlife.
"What's your name actually?" I asked the man with the high voice.
"Pica." He said back.
"Can you say your name twice?"
"Yes I can, but why would I?"
"Just do it already!"
"Pica Pica."
My smile was so big even Sabbu said "Who is the new guy?" I don't know why but Pica saying pica pica really made my day better. We all went to sleep. At least, until I heard noises coming from the bushes. Everyone was asleep so I was the only one that heard it. I stood up, walked to the bushes, the sound only getting louder and louder.
I grabbed my metal spear, readied it to be thrown, and when I put the leaves aside.... I found Autumn, in her own sleeping bag.
"Autumn..?" I asked.
"...Yeah..?" She answered.
"What are you doing here?!"
"I wanted to go with you guys but you said I should've stayed home..."
"Yeah I said that for a reason. Who else will take care of the wounded with your medical brew recipe? Oh well, now that you're here you might as well just sleep with us instead of in the bushes."
"Thank you Builder."
"No problem."
Autumn put her sleeping bag in our circle of wooden stakes, and went to sleep again. This being the long and tiring day it was, I think we deserve some sleep.

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