Part 18: Child

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"Who does he think he is?"

"Your father."

"Walking around and acting like he's the boss of me."

"Technically he is since you help with family business..."

"And so what if i'm childish it doesn't make me a child."

"It makes you cute."

"I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions- wait what did you just say?"

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Jimin had been ranting for twenty minutes straight and somewhere in that time Yoongi started responding to Jimin's rant because it amused him and he wanted to see how long it would take for Jimin to notice or say anything.

His plan was working until he mindlessly called Jimin cute which snapped him out of his rant.

Yoongi raised a eyebrow at Jimin as he repeated "What did you say?"

Yoongi just gave Jimin his gummy smile not answering.

"Even your being mean to me." Jimin complained finally sitting down instead of pacing back and forth.

Yoongi chuckled before saying "The last time I checked, being called cute was a compliment."

Jimin glared at Yoongi for a moment before looking away pouting.

"What do you not like compliments anymore?" Yoongi asked moving seats so he could see Jimin's face better.

"I don't want to be cute..." Jimin mumbled pout still evident.

"Why not? You weren't saying that earlier, in fact you were asking if you looked cute." Yoongi said back smiling.

"I want to be handsome not cute..." Jimin replied.

"Well that's truly a shame master because for some horrible, horrible reason your cursed with both of them." Yoongi said in a over dramatic voice.

Jimin glanced at Yoongi for a second before looking away causing Yoongi to lightly sigh.

"Why don't you want to be cute all of a sudden?" Yoongi asked quickly checking the time to see they had half an hour to get to where they need to go.

Jimin took in a deep breath and spoke quickly stating "Children are cute, i'm childish, people call me cute. But i'm not a child. Everyone thinks i'm a child."

"Maybe because you play games to practice kissing rather than asking." Yoongi said with a innocent look on his face not breaking eye contact with Jimin.

Jimin blushed immediately in response, hiding his face in his hands, as he squeaked "That's more awkward."

"Being an adults awkward Jiminie." Yoongi said laughing lightly.

"And complicated." Jimin added in a defeated voice.

"But worth it if you say what you want." Yoongi added on top of Jimin's.

Jimin moved his hands slightly so he could see Yoongi, looking at the older of the two with wide eyes.

"Have you tried telling your dad you don't want to get married yet Jimin?" Yoongi asked realising he wasn't thinking as he teased.

"Yes." Was all Jimin said as he slowly moved his hands from his blushing face.

Yoongi waited for a response but could tell Jimin wasn't going to give one but decided he may as well try and get him to carry on by saying "And?"

"Kiss me..."

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