Chapter I

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Rhyne walked through the school corridors with her head down, her long black hair serving as a shield to protect her from the wicked world, towards her classroom. It was the beginning of her last school year before she, hopefully, went to college. She always thought that perhaps she wouldn't make it, even though, her grades were one of the best in her year, and probably the whole school.

As she was walking the bell rang startling her from her thoughts about College what she would want to attend. For her, it was too difficult to choose since she liked various things such as music, writing, animals, travelling.

Her thoughts were interrupted as soon as she arrived her classroom slowly raising her head a little looking for her best friend's face. She found her friends face on the third row near the window, just how she liked, not too far from the board neither to close.

She walked towards her with a small smile on her face, happy that she wasn't going to spend this day alone, but rather with the best company that she could have.

"Good morning, May" She said as soon as she reached her table beside May she dropped her bag on her table with a sigh noticing how heavy it was. Her back ached from the weight and she blamed it on being a girl who worked her ass off and was a year above her.

"Good morning Rhyne. I see you have a good morning start didn't you?" She asked with a smirk. Damn May and her cleverness. Rhyne wasn't an easy person to read but her friend was able to do it without much trouble.

As soon as May said that Rhyne's stomach grumbled lowly causing Rhyne cheeks to heat up and May smiled to her friend trying not to laugh

"It is not funny" Rhyne mumbled embarrassed "I had to clean the house in the morning, mom dirtied up the carpet again and I just couldn't leave it there"

May stopped smiling and looked at her friend with a frown. She knew the state of her friend's mom and it wasn't a nice one.

Instead of saying something May smiled softly putting her hand on Rhyne's shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. Before any of the girls could say something the teacher entered the room settling the noise that was going on.

Her Physics class went on without no problem, it wasn't one of her favourite subjects but it was tolerable.

As soon as the bell rang the two girls waited, packing their things patiently not wanting to be part of the crowd of teenagers on the hallway. When they were ready to go, they got up from their seats and parted their ways, knowing that they would see each other at lunch because both had it at the same time, since the next class they hadn't together Rhyne had Math while May had Theatre.

As soon as Rhyne arrived her next class she hurried so she could seat by the window where she could see everyone. Her seat had the perfect vision to the entrance of the school and classroom. Besides that, she could see the majority of her classmates and that way she felt safer knowing that she knew what was going on around her.

Her teacher entered the classroom and she instantly cringed. Mr.Roberts was well known about his awful and uptight personality. She also heard that he, sometimes, instead of lecturing the class he told them to read some pages, and do some exercises while he stayed on his computer doing god knows what or she had heard that there was a time that he actually fell asleep! She didn't understand how this was actually possible since adults were supposed to be their example, but then she remembered her mother and knew that not always things were like they were supposed to be.

"Quiet everyone. I have an announcement to make". Mr. Roberts said his voice reaching every corner of the classroom. The students stopped their chit-chat and made their way to their seats, knowing that with this teacher if they got out of the line, a lot of problems was going to come straight at them. "We have a new student. Why don't you present yourself?"

A girl entered the room and from her peripheral vision, she saw some guys eyeing her up and down and she had to admit it. This girl was really good looking. She had everything in the right places, her blue eyes were deep and her blonde hair looked like a hair of godness. She smiled, and she was almost sure she heard some of the guys sigh at her breathtaking smile. This girl was indeed beautiful. But to Rhyne somehow she screamed danger but also safety. That made her uncomfortable, how is it possible the same person give a vibe of two things that were the opposite of each other and when the girls' eyes locked with hers, more time than necessary, she cowered away, looking anywhere but her.

"Hello, my name is Claire. It is a pleasure meeting you all." Her voice sent shivers down Rhyne and she knew that no matter what she had to stay away from her as far as possible.

"Thank you, Claire. Now, seat so I can start my class." The teacher said clearly upset and not affected by her beauty.

Claire sat on Rhyne's right diagonal since it was the only seat available. As soon as she seated the guy that was behind her introduced himself and asked if she wanted, one of these days, go to the cinema. She smiled at him and said that she would think about his offer an turned to the front of the class taking her blue Notebook out and a pencil case.

Math's class passed slowly. Rhyne hated Maths but, somehow it was one of her best subjects, although she didn't know how.

She, for once, left the room quickly trying to avoid the new girl even though it was stupid because it wouldn't make any sense that Claire would come and talk to her since she looked like one of the girls of the popular crowd.

As soon as she got out of the classroom and there was a considerable distance between her and the new girl, Rhyne felt her once tense shoulders relax, letting out a sigh of relief. She continued to walk towards the cafeteria wanting to tell May about the new girl that was in her Maths class.

She entered the cafeteria trying to see if her friend was in the line or n their usual spot already. Not being able to see her she frowned but before she could turn someone screamed in her ear holding her shoulders. Rhyne let out a small scream turning around to see her smiling best friend with a teasing smile.

"Do you know how much I love youuuu?" May said to Rhyne smiling innocently.

Rhyne sighed and shook her head with a small smile on her face telling May that she scared the crap out of her.

"Oh, tell me something I don't know." May answered winking at her.

"You think you are so smart don't you?" Rhyne said crossing her arms.

"Hun, I don't think I know." She answered, "Now, C'mon lets lunch I'm hungry."


So here's the first chapter!
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