Chapter IV

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After Dominic dropped Rhyne home, he couldn't stop thinking about her and that bothered him to hell and back because never had he been like this before.

"Damn it" He murmured under his breath. Who was she? Why was she so enticing? Why was her scent different from the other humans? He hoping that she wasn't what he and his team were looking for, because if she was then all of them were in a lot of trouble.

"Why did you take so long?" Athena asked as soon as he entered their house. He growled at her question, not in the mood for her childish questions.

"Geez, take it easy bad wolf everything is fine I was just curious" She answered with her hands up in surrender.

Like always. Dominic thought. Athena was a fine she-wolf with long brown hair, brown eyes and a fierce attitude. But her need to control and know everything and everyone was what made it difficult to deal with her. Although, she was just like family to Dominic. All of them were actually. They had been friends since they were in the middle school always sticking up for each other.

"I wasn't the only one wondering you know?" She said slowly trying not to upset her friend. She didn't want another fight, even if she was dying to know what he had been doing after school, after all, he left without saying where he was going. "Theodore is going to-"

"To hell with Theo and his manipulations." He answered back at her not liking where this conversation was going. Theo and Athena, both twins, were the ones responsible for them on their mission here, but it was him that normally decided what to do.

Athena sighed and for once she seemed like was patient, because she normally she wouldn't say anything else.

"It's just because if something is wrong, we to report it to them. Or all of us will be in a lot of shit."

He knew she was right. But for now, he thought there was no need to be alarmed.

"I know that." He answered her shortly with a scowl on his face. "Where are the others?"

"They went on a run." She answered before leaving the living room.

Dominic went to his room, closed the door and fell on his bed falling asleep.

Rhyne was still trying to comprehend what has just happened. Did he seriously give her a ride home? And if he did, she accepted it! Like it was nothing! She really needed to stay away from them.

After being a good five minutes at her door just looking where Dominic's car had been just a few minutes ago, she fetches her home keys to open the door unconsciously sighing not knowing what to expect. Was her mother home or was out clubbing? And if she was at home was she drinking or passed out on the couch? Or... was she finally at work?

She opened the door to find out that it was one of those rare times that her mother wasn't at home. She happily sighed and made her way to her bedroom. Again she took her keys out of her pocket and opened her safe heaven. Unfortunately, she had to keep it locked because sometimes her mother was unpredictable and she didn't want her wandering her bedroom and destroying her things.

She dropped her bag on the bed, and went to the living room, not forgetting to close the bedroom's door, to see the mess her mother had made during the day while she was out.

Near the couch were several bottles of beer and one or two of vodka, but besides that, there wasn't any major mess that required her grabbing the mop and the bucket. Relieved, she went into the kitchen to get a garbage bag to put the empty bottles. When she arrived in the kitchen was in the table a bottle of beer that was drinking halfway.

She grabbed the bottle and emptied the contents in the sink. When she was done she grabbed everything she needed and tidied up the room. She went to the garbage bin across the street to put it in there and returned back home to her bedroom. She locked the door and went to do her homework, not caring about her dinner because she knew there wouldn't be any in the fridge since she hadn't gone shopping yet. So, after she was done with homework, she resumed in eating half of her sandwich that she hadn't been able to eat it at lunch.

It was in the middle of the night went Rhyne woke up doing to some noises probably because her mother had finally arrived home. She looked at her small clock on her bedside table and saw that thirty-seven minutes past one in the morning. She huffed trying to go back to sleep again, but the noise now coming from the kitchen wasn't letting her go to sleep again, considering that she would have to clean the chaos after. She sighed and seated on her bed with her head in her hands tired from this life. It had been thirteen years since she last saw her father and her brother, and she was only four at the time. She didn't remember much about them but remembered enough, and she knew that she was her daddy's princess and her brother used to be her guardian when they used to play in the backyard.

Her mother had been trying to be well for their sake since she was so small but as soon as Rhyne reached her tenth birthday, she changed. Instead of trying to be a mother to her she just gave up and spend most of her day on the couch drinking and crying doing absolutely nothing. And sometimes she would disappear for a day or two to go to work, Rhyne assumed. But she never knew what her mother did for a living. She just knew that sometimes she would find cash inside an envelope on the kitchen table that would have to do for the next month. And when it didn't she normally used her savings for college which didn't appease her that much, therefore she tried not to buy anything that wasn't essential. Sometimes, she would even skip meals just so she could save the money in the sake of her future. Of course, her friends didn't know anything about the fact, that sometimes she wouldn't have enough money till the next month's salary.

When the noise stopped, she figured it would be safe to go downstairs to clean the mess so she wouldn't have to do it in the morning. She reached the kitchen and saw the table turned upside down and the chairs all of the kitchen. Fortunately, her mother wasn't there. She put the table and the chairs back into their places and returned upstairs to her so deserved sleep.


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