Chapter XII

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Rhyne's POV

My eyes hurt. That was the first thing I noticed when I woke up. I opened my eyes and saw that I wasn't in my room. What the hell? And then I remembered what happened yesterday.

My mom hit me.

She had never done this before. She only called me some mean names, never cleaned up her mess, never did dinner or went to the grocery store... sometimes she wouldn't even give me money so I could get food to make dinner for us. I wonder where my father and brother are... If they are even alive. At this point I didn't know anymore. They had been gone for years now and they never called. Or sent money for us. Or anything. They just disappeared. Poof.

I miss them.

I sighed and looked around trying to figure out where I was, and as soon as I saw a Hulk figure I knew I was in Martin's room. He was absolutely crazy about Marvel, especially about Hulk. Slowly I sat up and wondered if Martin slept on the floor. That made me feel guilty. I shouldn't have answered his call. The door opened and Martin came in with a towel around his shoulders and brushing his teeth. We locked eyes and no one said nothing for a while.

"I'm so sorry." I finally said after a while avoiding his gaze. "Did... did you sleep on the floor? What about your grandfather? I..." I didn't know what else to say. I didn't want to bring anyone into my problems. It wasn't their mission to help me. I'm doing perfectly fine on my own. Or at least trying to do fine.

Martin shook his head and lifted his finger like he was asking me to wait until he finished brushing his teeth. I nodded my head and chuckled and told him it was fine. He left the room and I was left alone with my thoughts again. How empty I felt after crying yesterday. I felt like I lost everything. I felt like... like I was lost in my own mind. Again.

After my dad and brother disappearance, I was completely lost. I couldn't understand why they suddenly left. That day, I found my mom crying in the kitchen breaking all of our pictures and everything that was close to her. That was 13 years ago. My brother at the time had 17 years old, and I had four years, so at first I though that he was going through a rebel phase or something and my dad went to get him. But after days not hearing anything from them, reality finally settled that they had left us. Me and mom. Alone.

After the first few days of moping around and not felling anything, I tried to convince my mom to go to the police but she wouldn't go saying that it was alright and that they would be back soon decided that I had to do something. So, I tried to go to the police. But they didn't really believe me and ended up calling my mom to pick me up, and she reassured me once again that. they would be back so I tried to go on with my normal life, like they were never gone. Of course, it wasn't that easy. In a small town, like mine, where everyone knows everyone, the rumours started to spread and everyone started to create their own theories. As soon as I turned ten my mom quit her job, and stayed at home depressing and drinking, while I tried to keep up with school and the noisy ladies that came to ask me what had really happened. I lost a lot of friends that time, since they though I was weird because my father and brother had left us. Fortunately, it was around that time that I met Martin. He helped me in the house and kept me company and helped me gain a hold and control of my emotions, since his parents were gone for the most of the time and his grandfather couldn't exactly play with him. While I hang out with him and stayed with him during our lunch breaks, he would help me taking care of the house and whatnot, since my mother wasn't in condition of doing it. A year or so later, we met May and we became friends right away. May's mother knew our lives weren't exactly easy so sometimes, she would let us have lunch or dinner at her house.

Now that I think about it, I never really cried after they disappeared. After those next weeks of felling empty.

Until yesterday.

I sighed and dropped my head into my hands thinking about my life. How it has been in the last few years. Without a mother to comfort me when I cry. Without a brother and father to "protect" me from boys...


I had almost forgotten about him. 2 years ago I thought he was my life, my future, my everything... Now, I just want him to leave me alone.

After the accident, I didn't want to be near him again. I couldn't remember exactly what had happened that fateful night, since I blocked out those memories, and I wasn't going to unlock them anytime soon. Still, I could recall some pieces, but I tried not to think about it much.

Even though, I told him countless of times to back off, he still tried to make me listen to me and beg me for my forgiveness. And that he wants to help me and he needs to have some kind of "serious talk" with me.

Hmpf, like I was some baby. Good shot, Jason.

Before I could continue my thoughts directing towards a certain boy, I felt a hand touching my shoulder and jumped slightly at the sudden contact.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."

"It's alright."

Martin, was now seated beside me, with a frown on his face, looking closely at me trying to figure out what I was thinking or felling. He was definitely worried.

"How long since you have been like this?"

"The last time was when they disappeared." We were now sitting in front of each on the floor with our legs crossed, looking out to nowhere in particular. Well, at least I was.

Martin sighed in relief before saying that I scared the shit out of him yesterday. I told him that I knew and that I was sorry about it. It wasn't my intention. I hate people worrying about me. It isn't necessary.

"I'm okay now. I just need to rest and then I will go to school."

"Excuse me? Rhyne, you are in no condition of going to school. You..." He hesitated. Something must have happened while I was sleeping for him to be acting this way.

"I, what?"

"You cried the whole night. And it took me hours to get you to sleep. And you kept mumbling incoherent things. And when I arrived at your house yesterday, you didn't react when called for you. It's like... You couldn't hear me." He paused giving me time to absorve this information. I certainly did not expect it. "The last time you were like this..." He didn't need to continue, I know what he was referring to.

"I know."I said quietly.

We didn't have to say anything else. We both knew that I had to avoid my mom in the next couple of days so I could get better.

"Are you hungry?"

I smiled knowing that he was trying to lighten up the mood.

"Now that you mention it..."

We both looked at each other with a knowing smile and headed downstairs to get something to eat.



I know it has been awhile. Sorry it took so long. 

What do you guys think that happened with Jason and Rhyne?

Let me know what you think.

Also, I have a questions:

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Wish you all a great week,


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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